leonard snart

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PS, I'm pretty much doing a "request" bc I requested it for myself HAH! So yeah, I'm using the name Hannah (my lovely name)


I walk into Saints & Sinners and walk to the bar. It was crowded more than usual, so I sit next to a guy with a black leather coat on.

The bartender walks over and asks what I want. (A/N sorry, I don't know my alcohol very well so just go with it lol)

"Um, a glass please," I say. He pushes the glass across the table and I take a sip. The guy next to me asks for another a beer and we continue to 'ignore' each other.

I study him from the corner of my eye. Blue eyes, light hair, small scars here and there. But damn, his eyes were blue. Mine were just brown, nothing special. But his seem lost, but I suppose that's why he's here.

"Why are you here?" He asks in a cold voice.

I take another sip from my glass. "Why should I tell you that?" I point out. If he wants to play cold then fine, I will too.

"Fair point," he says, and goes back to drinking.

Shit, I just ruined it. Great going.

"What's your name?" I ask after a while.

He pauses, "Leonard. And you?"


"Lovely name. So, why are you here?" He asks.

I sigh. "You're not going to give up, are you?" I ask.

"Nope," he says, popping the p.

"My dad got attacked in prison," I say finally. "Again," I add quietly.

"Yikes. I suppose you want me to explain now?" He says.

"Yep," I say, popping the p as he did earlier.

He chuckles. "This man, he gets in the way of my job. Very annoying, and I don't know how to stop him," he says.

I sip my glass. "Sounds annoying. I would suggest how to solve it, but I'm not a guidance counselor," I say with a smirk.

He grins. "Of course. And what do you do?"


"I'm a medical examiner at CCPD. I look at dead bodies all day," I say, taking another sip.

"Sounds lovely. One more question," he starts.

"Fire away."

"How'd your dad get in prison? I won't judge, mine was there too."

"My mom was murdered a while back and he went to jail for it. He didn't do it though," I say, frowning at the memory.

Leonard's gaze softens, "oh, sorry."

I shrug. "Nothing you can do, I suppose."

He nods. I take out my wallet to get some cash.

He places his hand on mine. "I've got it," he says, pulling out a twenty from his pocket. The bartender comes over and collects our glasses. "Keep the change," Leonard says.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem." We leave the bar and face each other.

"See you again, maybe?" I say, blushing a bit.

He I grins. "Sure. Want a walk to your a car?"

"Uh, no thanks. Bye," I say waving behind me. He nods and hops onto his motorcycle.

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