Rocket Admin Proton.

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As soon as we entered I saw the receptionist's desk, and to our right was the elevator door. The door was being guarded by two grunts.

They turned as we entered and each sent out a Rattata. Tyrogue quickly swiped his arm down onto the two Pokémon, knocking them away with Brick Break.

Typhlosion snarled at the grunts. They glanced at their two weakened Pokémon and surrendered, letting us get inside.

We scanned the panel of the elevator. The top floor of the building required a key card to access.

Blue scratched his chin. "Alright, maybe someone left a key card in one of the lower floors." He theorized.

"Anyone who has a key card probably wouldn't let it out of their sight." Daisy pointed out. "That'd be pretty stupid."

Blue tilted his head. "I guess that's true. But it's not like we have any other options for finding one."

"Do we need one?" Daisy proposed. "Maybe there's some way to override the requirement?"

An idea crossed Blue's face. "Tweedle-dumb, have your Pikachu hot wire the system," Blue ordered. I gave him a blank look that matched Pikachu's.

"Do you really want to trust Pikachu to play around with the wires that control the metal box we're in?" Daisy pointed out.

Blue was clearly growing irritated at this point. "Well, what do you suggest if you're sooooo smart?" Blue asked my friend.

Daisy held up Venonat and Tyrogue's Poké Balls. "Give me five minutes on the first floor,"

I pressed the button that would take us to the first floor. The elevator shook and began to ascend, lifting us up to the first floor.

The doors slid open and Daisy ran outside onto the first floor. I was about to follow her when she shook her head. "I'll handle this."

I was about to object, but Daisy sent out her Pokémon. "C'mon, Red." I could see there was a bit of pleading in her eyes. There was more to this that she didn't want to tell me.

I relented and the girl charged off into the corridors. I heard the sounds of battling echo down the hallways of the office.

I glanced at Blue, who shrugged at me. "She's always been like this. Aren't you supposed to be her best friend? How's this a surprise to you?"

I gestured to my hands and rolled my eyes. Go ahead and ask me a question, genius. You don't know sign language.

I heard a loud crash down the hall and Daisy exclaimed. "Take that! Venonat, watch out!"

Blue didn't seemed bothered. "Sorry I don't speak hands, kid. Was punching me in the face sign language too?"

The jerk had a sly grin on his face now. The bruise had mostly faded, and now one wouldn't be able to immediately tell that I had hit him.

I held up Pikachu's Poké Ball and mouthed 'rematch.' Blue rolled his eyes. "You want to have another battle? Let's see how you do with Team Rocket. How many badges have you gotten so far?"

I held up my badge case, showing off my three badges. Blue chuckled. "Awww, they're so cute. I've got five, so you're slipping behind."

I wondered how many badges Yellow had at this point. Thinking about Yellow, I suddenly remembered that she and Blue had a history.

I wasn't sure how to bring the girl up, especially since it's not like I wanted to play charades with Blue.

We heard more shouting from down the hall, and I saw Daisy running with a key card in hand. A few grunts were tailing her and her Pokémon. "Close the door! Close the door!" She shouted.

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