The Hall of Fame.

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"Congratulations Red. You're the Champion of Kanto." Yellow walked across the battlefield, clapping her hands together. "And thank you for givin' me a real fight. Now let's go to the Hall of Fame." I noticed a door had opened in the back.

We were about to head for it, when we heard the doors behind me open. "Yellow!" A female voice cried, I turned to see a woman in her 40s run at us. She had the same bright hair as Yellow's, cut short and not pulled back. A man who looked about the same age was next to her, he had extremely short blond hair on his head. Yellow's face paled when she saw them.

The girl immediately tensed up. "What are y'all doin' here?"

"We finally found you! As soon as we heard where you were we came as quick as we could!" The woman tackled Yellow in a hug and the man joined her.

"Both of you get off me!" Yellow snapped, pushing them away. "Who do you think you are showing your faces here?"

"Yellow, sweetheart." The woman, who I assumed was her mother, started.

Yellow's face was now turning red. Yellow, what's going on here? "Don't call me that! I'm not your kid and you're not my parents, not after what you did!"

Her mother frowned. "Yellow, why are you being so cruel? You haven't visited for two years! Is this still about that Pokémon from two years ago?"

"Of course it is!" Yellow replied. "And every other thing you two have done! You treated me like I was incompetent, you never listened to me! You got rid of that Pokémon just because he made me happy!"

Her father joined the conversation. "Yellow, he could have hurt you! We ere just trying to keep you safe!"

"Ekans was gentle! You two just couldn't trust me! When I ran away I did everything you told me that I couldn't! I became Champion and completed the Kanto Pokédex for Arceus's sake!"

What's going on here?  Yellow snapped out of her fury and turned to me. "I'm sorry about them. Let's get you to the Hall of Fame," Yellow started moving to the back of the room.

"Now Yellow, what could possibly be more important than your family?" Her mother jumped in.

"Red. My friend. And the new Champion of Kanto. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do." Yellow replied coldly.

Yellow what's their... deal? She gave me a look that said 'I'll tell you later.'

"Yellow, wait!" Her father cried out. "Please just come home!"

Yellow rolled her eyes. "Anywhere with you two isn't my home." She turned to the door to the Hall of Fame. Suddenly Daisy, Blue, and Professor Oak came in from the other door.

"Red, you won!" Daisy shouted and she embraced me. I felt my face get hot as our hug ended. I've really missed you, Daisy!

Blue threw his arm around me. "Congratulations kid. Just so you know, one day I might have Daisy take over the gym so I can take you on." 

Yellow stared at Blue and then rolled her eyes. "How in tarnation does everyone keep getting in here?"

Professor Oak glanced at Yellow's mom and dad. "I have no clue how those two got in, but Agatha allowed me and my grandchildren through to see Red." 

"We told them we were Yellow's parents and they let us through." Her dad responded. "Because who would deprive parents of their baby girl?"

Blue suddenly crossed his arms. "Yellow's parents? The whack jobs who tried to keep her at home her entire life? The ones who gave away the Ekans she had bonded with just so she wouldn't be around a Pokémon?"

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