That Will Be All.

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We soared through the air aboard Aerodactyl. The fossil Pokémon was noticeably faster than Charizard, and we arrived at Cerulean City in record time. 

We jumped off of the Pokémon and I asked Daisy what her plan was. "Hang on," The girl was scanning the area. "There!" She took my hand and we ran toward a reporter and cameraman standing in front of the gym. 

"Portals have appeared all over the region, unleashing black and white Pokémon!" The reporter read off. "While we don't currently understand what is doing this, or how to stop it, citizens are advised to stay inside and run far away."

The reporter's eyes glanced over at us. "This just in, the Champion is here! Perhaps to give us some insight on what's been happening?"

Daisy grabbed the microphone from her hand. "Listen up! I'm Red's best friend, Daisy! We need your help! Kanto is in trouble. The region is under attack from a Pokémon who wants to destroy this region. Everyone out there, we need you to get out there and fight for your home!"

I waved my hands at the camera. I wished I could say something more than ever. Daisy shouldn't have had to do all the talking. "If you've ever been helped by Red or me, or if you care about this region at all, this is your chance to take a stand! Help us... please!"

I held out one of my Poké Balls to the camera. Then, I put a hand to my chest. "We're going to do what we can to put a stop to all of this. So, we need you to buy us time."

The reporter glanced off in the distance. "Looks like a portal just opened over Saffron. Better hope people are watching the news, then."

Daisy handed the microphone back to her. "This region's tough! It can hold it together while we go and stop this. Right, Red?"

I nodded, and then I turned to Cerulean Cave. It was time to finish this. We ran over to the fence across from the cave's entrance, and Daisy sent out Venomoth. "Use Psychic to take us to the entrance to that cave!"

Daisy's Pokemon lifted us into the air. We flew over the river and were gently set down on the small entrance to the cave. Daisy called back Venomoth, and we went inside.

Upon entering Cerulean Cave, I saw a massive portal into the Missing Palace looming above us. MissingTwo was flying in the air beneath it. His corruption had spread all throughout the cave, sapping it of color. The Psychic-Type turned to face us.

"Welcome, Red. I'm surprised you managed to make it here. At least you brought someone who can speak." MissingTwo taunted.

Daisy held up a fist. "Watch yourself! Red doesn't need whatever you gave him! He's still the same person he was before!"

The Pokémon wasn't as convinced. "Really? He can't even command his Pokémon now. What sort of Champion does that make him? Red, you are nothing without my voice. Remember that when you stand against me. Remember, if it were not for me, you'd have floundered in every battle. The world you're protecting is the world that left you without a voice."

My friend stomped her foot on the ground. "Would you shut up? Red isn't some helpless baby! He's an amazing trainer and an amazing friend! He was my best friend before ever getting a Pokémon. He'd have found a way to communicate with them because Red is incredible! If you really think that you can just give and take your gifts, you're no better than whatever you're complaining about!"

MissingTwo narrowed his eyes. "If you insist on viewing it that way, then I am wasting my time. Goodbye, trainers." The Pokémon descended into a pool of water beneath him. The water warped around him, allowing him to descend freely.

The corruption in the area started to swirl around us, manifesting into powerful Pokémon. Daisy sent out her Pokémon. "Red, go after MissingTwo! He's going to do something terrible if we give him too much time!"

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