Evaluator Joey

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We elected to take a boat back to Pallet Town. Fortunately, the sailor who had given us a ride to Cinnabar was more than willing to take us. We sailed across the soon, and eventually reached Pallet Town. 

Daisy thanked the sailor, and then we took in Pallet Town. It was good to be home. Nothing had changed, and it was just as quiet as ever. The day had bled away on the boat, and so the sun was starting set. 

"We're already back! Man, it feels like it's been forever." Daisy mused. "I'm gonna go say hi to Grandpa and show him Aerodactyl. We can meet back up tomorrow to head back to Viridian, ok?" I gave her a thumbs up. Sounds good! Then, she walked off to the Pokémon Lab.

Man... I've really missed my mom... Wait, I gotta be able to talk to her! I realized. She's going to be so happy to hear my voice! 

I set off for my home. I strolled up to the door of the house and knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door swung open. 

Standing in the doorway was my mother, her brown hair in a ponytail. Her expression changed from a faint smile to pure joy in seconds. She hugged me and I returned the embrace.

"You're home! Oh, my boy's home!" She smiled, tears of joy glistened in her eyes. "You look so grown up! I'm so happy that you're safe and well. Come inside, I want to hear about everything!" She walked to the table and motioned for me to follow. I closed the door behind me then I sat down at the table.

"So Red, how has your journey been going?" She asked. Well, I just won my 7th gym badge and I'm going to Viridian City to get my last badge. I explained, her eyes widened and she looked around. Oh, shoot I forgot. Mom, it's me Red. I can explain why you're hearing me in your head. It's a long story. 

I explained to her what had happened along my journey and how I could speak to Pokémon through my mind. Then, I told her how I had found out I could also talk to people I shared a strong connection with. I shared other details of my journey, but I left out my encounter with MissingNo.

"You've been taking on Team Rocket?" She looked at me with her eyes wide. I was surprised THAT was the first thing she asked me about. I did it because they were hurting people and taking Pokémon! Or they attacked Daisy and me! I argued. 

My mother shook her head. "Red I told you to avoid them! They're dangerous criminals! Do you have any idea what they do to people who get in their way? You could have been killed!"

But I didn't get killed! I did what I had to do! I don't want anybody to get hurt if I can help it! I looked directly into her eyes. Daisy lost her parents to them. I'm going to help her stop Team Rocket. They're up to something, something big. Someone needs to step in!

"Don't try to be a hero Red! There are other people for that! I don't care about the fate of the world, I care about you! Your father tried to be a hero and look where that got him!" She screamed, standing up. What happened to Dad? I asked. Mom had barely ever spoken about my father before. 

My mother seemed to be thinking about what she wanted to say for a few seconds. I could see the fear in her eyes. She took a deep breath. "It's only fair you know, you're old enough now."

She sat down, tears welling up in her eyes. "Your father... he was killed trying to stop an evil team in Alola. He heard there was trouble and ran off when you were an infant. The group was powerful, and your father was unlucky..."

So that's why you don't want me taking on Team Rocket. Mom, I know it's scary but I can do this! I've made friends on this journey, and we've taken them on together! People need to take a stand to stop them, and I need to speak out however I can! For Daisy's sake, I can't let them exist. 

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