Chapter 2

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--Time Skip To The Next Morning--

Justin's POV

I was startled awake by my mom. "Justin! Wake up! You don't want to be late to the first day at your new school!" I sat up in my bed and looked at the time. Ugh. I forgot that today was day I have to go to school. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower. After my shower I got dressed and fixed my hair. I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. After I ate I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack before leaving to go to school. As I walked outside I noticed the boy I met yesterday was also outside.

Raegan's POV

After I woke up, showered, and got ready I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate and walked outside but noticed the other boy outside as well. He must have been going to school so thought I would offer him a ride. I walked over to him and he turned around and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. I got a weird feeling but I just pushed it aside. "Hey, wanna ride?" I asked him. He just nodded his head yes and said sure as he followed me to my car. The ride to school was pretty quiet. I couldn't take the awkward silence, so I broke it. I asked him to tell me a little bit about himself. He replied "My name is Justin and I'm 17." Ok then. "Well that was a lot of information. I don't know if my brain can handle it all." I said earning a little giggle from Justin. "So what about you? What's your name?" he asked slightly giggling still. "I'm Raegan." Soon we arrived at school so we both got out of the car and started walking towards the doors. I figured since he was new and he looked a little scared I should help. "Do you want me to take you to the office?" I looked over and he said yes and we walked down the hallway. After arriving at the office he got his schedule and I took him to his locker. Our lockers were next to each other so I grabbed my things while he opened his to put his backpack away. "So what's on your schedule?" I asked. He handed me the schedule and I read through it. "Oh cool we have the same classes." I said. He took the schedule back and we walked to 1st period. Since he was new he didn't have a seat so I just told him to sit next to me. The teacher came in and started class. During class I kept looking over at Justin. There was just something about him. I don't know. I guess I was staring because I felt a nudge and he looked at me and said "Need something?" with a smirk. "No" I replied. I think I blushed a little. He's really cute.

I hope you guys liked this chapter :)

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