Chapter 17 (cont.)

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K - YAS! Dare me.

R - I dare you to hug Jack.

K - You're so lame. That's the easiest dare ever.

R - *whispers* we'll see.

Kale and Jack both stand up and walk towards each other. You could feel the tension in the air. Kale leaned forward with slightly red cheeks. They hugged for a few seconds before they pulled away and were both red now.

K - There, see. Easy.

Raegan and Justin both started giggling.

They played a few more rounds before stopping the game.

Justin's POV

Me, Raegan, Kale, and Jack are having a sleepover. It's a little late and we are all getting ready to go to bed when I remember that Jack still has to do his dare. Kale and Jack are sleeping in the living room and me and Raegan are sleeping in my room. While we are getting all of the arrangements ready for bed I approach Jack. "Yeah, I know. I have to do my dare." Jack said. "Yep." I said smiling. "You're a jerk you know that?" he said. "Yep." I said walking away. This is going to be a very fun night.

AHHH!!! Thank you so much for 5.5K READS!! I'm sorry this isn't a longer update. I know I promised a real update today, but it's hard to update during the week. Comment what you think about think about the story, any feedback for me, etc.

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