Chapter 10

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Justin's POV

I woke up next to Raegan. I could get used to that. Today is Saturday so we have the weekend to spend together. I felt kind of bad for teasing him last night but at the same time it was kind of funny and his reaction was cute. I tried to stand up without moving him but it didn't work. "Hey" he mumbled still half asleep. "Good morning." I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. He smiled at me before getting out of bed. I love seeing and making him smile. He's amazing and I am so glad I met him.

Raegan's POV

I woke up to Justin this morning. That's one of the best feelings I've felt in a while. It's Saturday and we have the weekend to hang out before school again. "I'm gonna go home now." Justin said going downstairs. "Ok. I'll see you later." After Justin went home I just laid on my bed on my phone for a while before going downstairs.

--Time Skip to Sunday --

Justin's POV

It's Sunday already and we have to go to school tomorrow. I hate school, but Raegan makes it better so it's not that bad. I'm at my house and Raegan is  gonna come over today. When I heard a knock on my door I knew it was Raegan and I ran downstairs. As soon as I opened the door I smiled and hugged him. "Justin, you literally just saw me yesterday." Raegan said walking inside. "I know but I l- missed you." I'm scared and I start blushing really bad. "What?" Raegan asked walking towards me. "I said I missed you." I was covering my face with my sleeve. "Yeah... but before that. You started to say something else." We were now standing directly in front of each other face to face. "I-I don't know." The next thing I know he was kissing me. After a few seconds he pulled away and said "I love you too." and smiled at me. I am blushing so bad right now and I put my hand back up. He lowered my hand. "Hey, what was that for?" I ask trying to sound mad. "You look cute and I want to see your face." he said. "Whatever. If you want to see me you have to catch me." I said running up the stairs. I ran to my room and hid. When he walked in I jumped out and scared him. "Justin!" he yelled. He grabbed me and sat me on the bed and started tickling me. "NOO... no... Rae.. gan... STOOOP!" I managed to get out. We were both laughing really hard and our faces were red. We sat on my bed and just laid with each other for the rest of the day. I couldn't ask for anyone better than him.

Sorry for not updating again yesterday I forgot. I am glad you guys are liking it though. Remember to comment ideas, feedback, etc. See ya!

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