Chapter 25 (Last)

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Justin's POV

Me and Raegan went to dinner and now we're going somewhere else. I don't know where though. I'm very curious. We start to walk to the place. A park. I wonder what he's doing.

Raegan's POV

Me and Justin start to walk to the park. It's almost time. This is actually happening. I get to where I want and stop walking. I turn towards Justin and smile warmly at him. He has a look of confusion and then surprise and what I think, and hope, is a look of happiness when I bend down and get on one knee. I look up at him and see tears in his eyes as I pull a small box out of my pocket. "Justin, I love you. We've been through so much. I want to go through every good and bad thing with you forever. I want to hug you and kiss you and call you mine forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I reach up and wipe away his tears. "Will you marry me?" He jumps into my arms softly sobbing and I stand up and hug him tightly. I hear a soft "Yes" and smile. I kiss the top of his head and hold him close to me. We both stand there for a while neither of us wanting to move or say anything.

Justin's POV

HE PROPOSED! I'm ecstatic. I don't know what to do. I can't stop crying. "Raegan, I love you so much." He looks at me and kisses me. I softly kiss back. I never want this to end. I'm so happy it doesn't have to. I'm lucky, I get this for the rest of my life.

THIS IS IT GUYS! I can't believe it's finally over after almost like a year of writing it haha. *cough * because I'm terrible at writing and extremely slow at updating *cough* I kinda took some really long pauses a few times because of lack of motivation, writers block, or just... stuff... BUT IT'S DONE NOW! YAY! I hope everyone that read this enjoyed it. I don't plan on writing anything else. Nothing new anytime soon at least. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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