Chapter 5

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Raegan's POV

"BEEP!BEEP!" Ugh. WHY?!? I hate school. I got up got dressed ate breakfast and walked outside. I saw Justin and when he saw me he walked over to me. I drove us to school and when we got there we both went to our lockers and headed to first period. "Hey, I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom really quick before class starts." I told Justin before walking out of the classroom. "Ok. Hurry we only have 3 minutes." he said. "OK" I said laughing and turning to walk out. I came back to class and sat down in my seat as the teacher walked in. I hate school. It was so boring but then a piece of paper was thrown towards me. I turn and see Justin smiling at me. I pick up the paper and read it. It says "This is boring. I just wanna talk to you." I turn and look at him smiling and then the teacher told us we were doing an assignment that we needed partners for. I was hoping me and Justin could do the project together, but we got paired with different people. Justin was paired with this girl that kept trying to flirt with him. I couldn't help but get a little jealous. I mean we are just friends but... I don't know. I don't like the fact that that girl is flirting with Justin. Just when I thought me and Justin were starting to get closer.

--Time Skip to Lunch--

Justin's POV

Ok. I don't know if it's just me but Raegan can act a little weird sometimes. Like today in class. He was staring at the girl I was partnered with like he hated her. I was so confused. We got our lunch and sat down with Kale and Jack. "Hey Raegan, hey Justin" Jack said as we sat down. "Hey" I said. Raegan just looked up and nodded. What's going on with him today? We were eating lunch when I noticed Kale looking at me and then looking at Raegan. I guess he noticed the way Raegan was acting too. He looked at me with a "what's wrong with him" expression. I nodded towards the bathroom and we both got up. When we made it to the bathroom he asked "What's up with Raegan? He's been acting weird all day." "I honestly don't know. We are doing a project in class and I was partnered with a girl who kept acting like she was flirting." I explained what happened to Kale and then he realized something. "OMG. I know what's wrong." I looked at him in confusion waiting for him to continue. "I understand now. He got defensive because he doesn't want anyone else to get close to you. He likes you.""Wait. W-What?" I never noticed. How could I not put the pieces together. I was astonished. Raegan... Liking me. I can't believe it. "Are you sure?" I asked Kale. "Yeah. Ever since the first day." he said. Wow. I can't believe Raegan actually likes me back. This whole time I liked him and never wanted him to know. Little did I know all along he liked me too. "Justin... calm down." "What?" I asked. "You have an ear to ear grin and you look like you are about to scream." he said laughing. "What? No. I-I don't know what your talking about." i said blushing a little bit. I tried to cover my face with my sleeve but it was too late. "OMG! You like Raegan!" he screamed jumping around. "Shhhh! People can hear you." i said looking to make sure no one heard. "So you like Raegan... and Raegan likes you. Why can't you guys just start dating already?" Kale said still smiling and laughing a little. "It's not that simple." I said thinking about it. It's not that simple... is it? Me and Kale went back to lunch and sat down. I sat next to Raegan and "accidentally" bumped his arm. "Oh sorry Raegan." Nothing. No response. He just looked up at me and walked out of the lunch room. "Raegan!" I yelled trying to get him to come back. It didn't work. He was already gone. "I'll go get him." I said standing up. "Yeah, go get him." Kale said with a wink. "Wow Kale." I said and I turned around to leave. I figured he went to the bathroom so that was the first place I checked.

I got a little carried away with this chapter so it's kinda long and sorry if that was a little bit of a cliffhanger. I try to update everyday so a new part should be out tomorrow. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading. Bye!

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