Chapter 6

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Raegan's POV

I can't handle it anymore. I got up and went to the bathroom to get away from Kale, Jack, and Justin. I just really like Justin and I was hoping he liked me back. I heard the bathroom door open. "Raegan. Are you in here?" Crap, it's Justin. "Raegan. Please talk to me." I walked out of the stall, but I couldn't bring myself to look at Justin. He walked over to me and put his hand on my back while leaning over to me. "Hey, please tell me what's wrong." I looked at Justin and he turned me and hugged me. "I'm sorry." I said to him. Omg. I'm crying. I tried to wipe the tear on my cheek away before Justin saw, but it was too late. "Hey. What's wrong? Please just tell me." I looked at him and got lost in his eyes. I turned away and said "I can't. It's nothing." I turned to leave , but Justin grabbed my arm and turned me around. "Justin just leave me al-" he interrupted me by... KISSING ME! Justin just kissed me. What?!? "W-What was that for?" I asked completely amazed and still not done comprehending what just happened. He looked at me smiling and said "Kale told me." Wow. "Oh. What exactly was it that he told you?" I said raising my eyebrows. "You know. Come here." he said pulling me into a warm hug. I felt so safe and warm in his arms. "I'm sorry I've been acting weird. I just saw you with that girl in class and I got... a little... jealous." I said sort of whispering the last part. "Aww Raegan come here." He hugged me and when I tried to turn around he grabbed my arm and kissed me again. "So is it official?" he asked. "I don't know. Justin, will you be my boyfriend?" "Of course Raegan" I kissed him on the cheek and we walked back to the lunchroom and sat back down with Kale and Jack.

I hope that is less of a cliffhanger than last time. I just really hate cliffhangers and I felt kinda of bad so, here you go! Especially HaleyObrien3 who seemed to really want another part. I hope this is better.

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