Chapter 13

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Raegan's POV

I got another text from the stranger today giving me an address. I am a little worried because I know it's a trap, but I have to help Justin. I quickly get my shoes, keys, and phone. I ran to my car as fast as I could and headed off to the location. When I got there I walked in and saw Jenna sitting on Justin's lap facing him. As soon as I walked in Justin looked up at me. Jenna turned towards me and then turned back around and started kissing Justin. "No!" I yelled running towards them. "Take another step and you'll never get your precious Justin back." she said. Luckily I was smart enough to call the cops before I got here. They are already on their way. I can't wait to hold Justin again. I love him so much and I need to get him away from Jenna.

Justin's POV

I saw Raegan walk into the room. Jenna started kissing me but I didn't kiss back. I hope Raegan knows I would never do that to him. I love him so much and I hate Jenna now. I don't understand how she can do this. I just want to be back home and in Raegan's arms. I feel safe with him and I want to be able to feel that safety again.

Sorry this is short I just wanted to get an update out for you today. I update daily so be waiting for another update tomorrow.

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