Chapter 24

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--Time Skip--

Justin's POV

Me and Reagan are getting ready to go to dinner. As soon as he's done we can leave. I feel him behind me, hugging me. "Hello" I say, smiling up at him. "Hey" he says smiling back. I lean up to kiss him and turn around to face him. "Are you ready to go now?" I ask smiling. He holds my hand smiling back, interlocking our fingers, and nods "Mhm, lets go." We go outside to the car and Raegan starts to drive us to the restaurant we're eating dinner at.

--Teenie tiny time skip--

Raegan's POV

We eat dinner and leave again. We are on our way to the park now. I'm thinking about what I'm going to say. At least until I hear Justin say something. "Sorry. What?" I asked. "I said, Where are we going? You never told me." I saw the park and stopped. "You'll see." We got out of the car and started walking.

Hello to anyone that's reading this. I'm ending this soon! :( I'm going to try to make them longer for the last couple chapters. I can't believe it turned out this well though. I honestly never expected anyone to read it let alone like it. So thank you for all the reads and votes, I really appreciate it. I'm also really sorry for the spaced out, short, crappy chapters. I don't really have that much time to write and update. I don't know when the next chapter will be out but hopefully it will be soon.

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