Chapter 15

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--Time Skip to the Next Day--

Justin's POV

My mom said that I could stay home today because of everything that happened. I'm happy because I really didn't want to go to school anyway. Raegan said he would stay home with me but I want him to go. "I will be fine. Besides it's only 6 hours away from each other." I said. "What do you mean only? That is a really long time." Raegan said. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. "You can go 6 hours without seeing me." "Justin, I can't go 6 hours without kissing you. How am I supposed to go 6 hours without even being able to see you." Raegan said in a whiny voice. "I guess you'll have to figure it out." I said standing up. Raegan grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down. "Hey!" I yelled. Raegan tried to kiss me but I backed up. "You said you can't go 6 hours without kissing me so now you have to. You will be at school for 6 hours not able to see or kiss me." I got up and went downstairs. Raegan followed me saying "That's not fair. Please can I get a goodbye kiss?" I turned around and walked back over to Raegan. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear "Nope." "Fine. I will just have to make up for it after the 6 hours is over." Raegan said grabbing his keys. "Love you Rae." I said purpously trying to tease him. "If you loved me you would kiss me!" Raegan yelled to me while walking out to his car.

--Time Skip--

Raegan's POV

Justin wouldn't kiss me this morning. I have to wait until the end of the school day now. I don't want to have to wait that long. I met up with Kale and Jack at lunch and the whole day was boring. I did absolutely nothing interesting this morning and I don't get to see Justin until the end of the day.

Justin's POV

I was at home watching TV but I got bored waiting for Raegan. I decided that I would surprise him at school. I grabbed my keys and went out to my car. On the way there I was thinking about how much I love him. His beautiful brown eyes. I have always loved his eyes. I love his smile and his laugh. I remember the day we met.


Suddenly a boy about my age opened up the door. We both just stood there and I couldn't help but stare. He was so hot. Wow.


I remember when I found out he liked me. The day we started dating. I remember everything.

*Another Flashback*

"I understand now. He got defensive because he doesn't want anyone else to get close to you. He likes you." "Wait.... W-What?" I never noticed. How could I not put the pieces together. I was astonished. Raegan... Liking me. I can't believe it. "Are you sure?" I asked Kale. "Yeah. Ever since the first day." he said. Wow. I can't believe Raegan actually likes me back. This whole time I liked him and never wanted him to know. Little did I know all along he liked me too. "Justin... calm down." "What?" I asked. "You have an ear to ear grin and you look like you are about to scream." he said laughing. "What? No. I-I don't know what your talking about." I said blushing a little bit. I tried to cover my face with my sleeve but it was too late. "OMG! You like Raegan!" he screamed jumping around. "Shhhh! People can hear you." I said looking to make sure no one heard. "So you like Raegan... and Raegan likes you. Why can't you guys just start dating already?" Kale said still smiling and laughing a little. "It's not that simple." I said thinking about it. It's not that simple... is it?


I wasn't paying attention. I looked in front of me and realized........

CLIFFHANGER!!! You guys are gonna hate me. I'm updating tomorrow so don't worry. If i get at least 3 or 4 people commenting and wanting an update then I will update again tonight.

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