Chapter 19

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Justin's POV

Kale and Jack are down stairs and me and Raegan are upstairs. Me and Rae are planning to sneak down stairs to see what they are up to. We quietly get up and walk to the door. I peek out to make sure no one is up here. We keep going until we reach the stairs. Woah! I definitely was not expecting that.

Raegan's POV

Me and Justin snuck downstairs to see what Kale and Jack were up to. When we were walking down the stairs what we saw was not even close to what we were expecting. I guess Jack did his dare because there they were. Jack and Kale were making out on the couch. "Well... Hi?" I said walking into the living room. "Oh... Hey guys." Kale said sitting up. "So... Whatcha up to?" Justin asked. I couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Uh... Nothing." Jack quickly said. "Yeah OK. If you say so." I said. It was late so me and Justin went upstairs.

Jack's POV

Me and Kale were in the living room. We were supposed to go to sleep but I couldn't quit thinking about earlier. I had to find out what it meant. "So, what does that make us?" I asked Kale. "I don't know. Um... Will you be my boyfriend?" As soon as I heard those words I was full of joy. There were so many things running through my mind. I realized I never gave him an answer. "Yes. Yes of course." I said leaning in and kissing him. I am dating Kale. I am so happy. I lay back down and slowly drift to sleep.

--Time Skip to Morning--

Justin's POV

I woke up this morning and decided I would make breakfast. I walk downstairs and see that Jack and Kale are already awake. I decide to just sit with them and watch TV until Raegan wakes up. It was pretty much awkward silence. I hate awkward silence. "So, are you guys like... together now?" Kale and Jack both looked at each other and blushed. "Yeah" Kale said. "I guess" Jack said. "Yay! I ship it!" I yelled jumping up off the couch. "Imma go see if Raegan's up yet." I walked upstairs and he was still asleep. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. I just stood in the door way admiring his perfect body and acknowledging the fact that he was mine. I love him more than anything else I have ever loved in my life. He is my everything.

Raegan's POV

I woke up with Justin standing in the doorway. "Stalk much?" I asked him laughing. He giggled adorably and walked to me. I sat up and pulled him down on my lap. "Hey!" He looked at me with his emerald green eyes. "What?" I asked trying to sound innocent. "You pulled me down you meanie." he said standing up. "Aww, I'm sorry." I said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Ok. I guess I accept your apology, but only because you're the best boyfriend ever and I love you." He said walking over and giving me a peck on the cheek. "You're so cute. I love you too." I said back. "Now get ready and go downstairs." He said in a sassy voice. "Oh, bossy. I see." I said standing up. "Yep, now hurry up." He said walking out of the room and back down the stairs.

Justin's POV

I was downstairs waiting for Raegan but he was taking too long. I started to walk towards the stairs and I see him. He walked down the stairs but missed a step and fell. He landed hard on the floor and hit his head. I was scared and started freaking out. I didn't know what to do. I felt my breathing speed gain dramatically. "Justin? Are you OK?" I heard Kale ask from the living room. The only thing I see is Kale and Jack standing beside me. Then everything went black.

Kale's POV

(I honestly don't remember what I have previously written so just go with whatever it says. Thanks for the cooperation.)

Justin was by the stairs and he didn't look very good. "Justin? Are you OK?" I asked standing up. Jack followed behind me, walking to where Justin was. As I get closer I notice Raegan laying on the floor and then Justin falls too. "Jack call 911!" I yelled trying to wake Justin up. It didn't work. I didn't know what happened. I tried to wake Raegan but that didn't work either. "They're on their way." Jack said. I just sat on the floor next to Justin and Raegan, hoping and praying that they were ok. I didn't know what to do. I called Justin's mom and told her to meet us at the hospital. I couldn't call Raegan's dad because he was on a trip. I couldn't think of anyone else to call so I just waited for the ambulance to get here.

I tried my best to make this longer but I've been working on it for a while and I wanted to get it published. I wanted to let you know that I am keeping it up and I will continue updating. Also thank you so much for 12.6K reads!!

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