Chapter Two: Moving In

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"Hello. I assume you are August?"

I stared at the man who had just opened the door. He had dark curly hair and piercing green eyes, like mine. He was wearing black dress pants and a long black coat with a scarf tied lightly around his neck.

"Yeah... I'm August." I said slowly, watching his reaction. Ms. Harrington felt the tension between us and decided to grab both my bags and make her way inside the flat.

"I guess we should do the same." My biological father stated, opening the door wider for me to come in. "You can call me Sherlock." He added.

"Where should I put her things, Mr. Holmes?" Ms. Harrington said, as soon as everyone was into the living room.

The flat was quite different than an average flat. It had books and experiments everywhere, but it did look like someone tried to clean up recently.

"Uhh you can place them in the guest bedroom upstairs. No one uses it anyway. It's connected to my flatmates bedroom to the right." Sherlock said, straightening up a tiny bit more.

I could tell he was a little bit nervous, but it was hard to read him. He kept his face blank.

"Ms. Hudson has tea prepared if you would like some." Sherlock turned to me and tried to look friendly. I smiled back, "I'm not really a tea person. I like coffee."

"Oh! I'm sure we have some of that.... somewhere." Sherlock said, going to the kitchen.

"It's okay. I'm not very thirsty." I replied, sitting down on the couch.

"Very well." Sherlock replied, awkwardly staring at me.

Ms. Harrington came back downstairs from placing my suitcases in my room and hugged me. "Goodbye August, remember if you have any problems just call me. You have my number. The same goes for you Mr. Holmes. I will be checking up on you two in a month's time."

I hugged her back, I was actually going to miss her. "Thank you so much." Sherlock showed her the door and then she left.

"You have a flatmate?" I questioned, remembering what Sherlock had said earlier. He nodded. "Is he nice?"

"John? Oh he's a very kind man. He should be here in about... now." The door opened to reveal a short man with ashy blonde hair. He greeted Ms. Hudson before going up to me and Sherlock.

"Hello August. I'm John, Sherlock's flatmate." John welcomed me warmly and smiled. I like him already. I could tell he had some army experience. He stood up tall and straight.

"Hi." I smiled back. Sherlock showed me up to my room and went back downstairs. I grinned in the sight of it. It was a very plain room, but it was a good size. I started unpacking my clothes into the dresser and my books into the bookcase. After I was almost finished unpacking I put both my suitcases into my closet and sighed. I hung up the picture of me and my family near the bookcase.

I traveled back downstairs to see Sherlock and John sitting in the living room, quietly conversing among themselves. They stopped when they saw me. "Take a seat. I can see it in your face. You have questions. As do I." Sherlock said.

I sit down and a elderly woman places a hot cup in my hands. "Coffee, dear. I'm Ms. Hudson and I live right next door if you need anything. I stop by often." She reminded me of a warm grandmother. I liked her. Sherlock must have told her that I liked coffee.

"Thank you Ms. Hudson." I beamed at her. I loved coffee.

"Forget about the questions for a second, Sherlock. But she looks just like you." John murmured. It was true, I had long, dark curly hair that went to the middle of my chest. I also noticed that we both had green eyes and a high structured face. Now I know where I got my looks from, my nose and chin however, were all my Mother's. Sherlock is set back a moment as he studies me and mumbles something I couldn't understand.

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now