Chapter Thirty-Three: Wistful

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This is going to be a rollercoaster...

April 3rd

I smiled as I stepped foot onto London soil. It's been two months too long since I've last been at home. But there is only one person who I was really dying to see - Sophia. I borrowed Sherlock's phone while we were in the cab and called her.

"Hello?" Her soft voice sounded through the phone.

"Sophia! I'm back." I couldn't help grinning.

"Oh my God! Where were you? Where did you go? Where are you now? Don't EVER do that again! Seriously August! What the fuck!" Sophia yelled at me through the phone.

Sherlock gave me a you're in trouble glance. I took a deep breath. "Sophia... it's a lot of explaining. Like.... a LOT. I'm going to be home in 25 minutes. Could you meet me there? I've missed you so much."

Sophia sighed. "Yeah. I'll see you."

We ended the phone call and I gave the phone back to Sherlock. I'm going to have to get myself a new phone once I settle back in. Two months really was too long... I didn't realize how long I was gone until I saw Sherlock and John again. Seeing Rayne again has definitely left a sore spot. I was so happy when I found out she was alive... but then she died. All the same.

"Ely missed you too, you know. He hasn't been doing as well in school because he's been upset. Especially since we can't really tell him where you've gone. He's not as stupid as you think he is. He's going to start catching on that something really fishy is going on. If he hasn't already." John looked at me. He was right. One day I'm going to have to sit Ely down and be honest with him. I wish he was honest with me about his time with Chris Moriarty - but I never could get it out of that kid. I didn't want to push him either, I didn't know if it was a sensitive topic or not. I'm just glad that he remembered me.

"I know. I'm going to talk to him when I get home. I've missed him a lot too." I paused. "And of course my two favorite Baker Street Boys."

John grinned. "We missed you too, kiddo. Sherlock might not show it, but he was worried about you."

Once the cabbie dropped us off at Baker Street, I didn't even make it to the front steps before someone tackled me into a giant hug. I realized that it was Sophia. Once we were done hugging, she pulled away from me and slapped me as hard as she could across the cheek.

"That's for leaving!" Slap! "And that's for not trusting me enough to tell me what's going on!"

I grabbed my cheek and held it. "Ow! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay. But I had to do that." Sophia smiled sheepishly.

I grinned back at her. "It's okay."

The four of us went inside with our bags. I looked around for Ely and when I couldn't find him, Sherlock told me he was on Mrs. Hudson's side of the flat. I sneaked around and opened Mrs. Hudson's door slowly. I spotted Ely at the kitchen table eating a handful or cheerios out of the box. I crouched low and grabbed Ely from behind. He made a startled noise before he realized it was me and started laughing.

"Auggy! Where have you been?" Ely looked me in the face.

"I'm sorry. I've been away." I smiled sadly. "I'm not going away anymore. I promise."

"Pinky swear?" Ely held out his pinky for me. I linked his with mine and smiled. "Pinky swear."

I spent the day talking with my friends and family and settling back into the flat. I did miss home while I was away.

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now