Chapter Nine: Sophia

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"Are you going to the Café, August?" Sherlock asked me from his spot on the couch, noticing the necklace I wear wearing. I wore the necklace Sherlock had given me for my birthday almost everyday. Sherlock hasn't bothered moving all morning, and it was nearing 11 AM.

"Yeah I was planning on going and just getting some coffee there. We're out of coffee grounds." I smiled at him, shrugging my coat over my shoulders.

"You and coffee. It's not right. If you're going to live in England you are going to have to learn to like tea. It's in the rules. Ask Mycroft." Sherlock snickered, sitting up and leaning towards me. Ever since the incident with Moriarty a week ago, Sherlock has been trying to lighten the mood. I appreciated it.

"It is not!" I laughed, I loved when Sherlock wasn't serious all the time. "I'll bring you back some tea."

I stepped out the door and and smiled, I loved the cold weather. I looked both ways on the road and hurried over next door to the café.

I waited in line and glanced at the menu. Breakfast was my favorite time of the day.

"A vanilla coffee and a plain tea, please." I ordered, leaning up against the counter. The guy who made my drinks smiled at me. "And what's your name, cutie?"

"August." I replied, not bothering to look up from my phone. Oops, blame it on my teenage manners.

"Oh, that's a unique name." The guy said, handing me my drinks.

"Thanks" I looked up and smiled at him and handed him the cash. When I turned around I knocked into someone and dropped Sherlock's tea. I didn't drop my coffee, though. Priorities.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The girl who I bumped into shrieked. She had long golden brown curly hair that went to her mid stomach and light blue eyes.

"It's okay." I grinned, squatting and helping her pick of the shards of the tea's glass.

"My name is Sophia. Let buy you another tea." She offered, handing me the broken mug.

"Oh no it's no problem. It wasn't for me." I said, standing up and throwing the broken shards in the trash.

"Well I have an extra muffin and some spare time to kill if you want to have breakfast? Let me make it up to you." She looked up at me and smiled. I liked her already.

"Okay!" We sat down on one of the Café booths and started chatting.

"Where are you from? I don't recognize your accent." Sophia said, taking a bite into her muffin. She pushed the second muffin towards me and I shoveled it in my mouth. Blueberry was my favorite flavor.

"I'm from Ireland, but I live right across the street." I said, my mouth full of muffin. Sophia giggled at my bad manners and offered me a napkin.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"Oh my gosh, We are basically neighbors. I live on the other side of the café. How old are you?" Sophia asked, taking another bite of her muffin.

"I'm fourteen. How old are you?" I asked. She looked like she was about seventeen or sixteen.

"Sixteen. I graduated secondary school a couple months ago. I haven't decided if I'm going to Uni or not. Ughhh the struggle." Sophia groaned, throwing her face in her hands.

I laughed, "I graduated secondary school too, but I'm too young to go to Uni, apparently."

"Really? You graduated two years early?" Sophia looked at me with amazement.

"Three years early, I placed above average in all my tests." I bragged, smiling at her.

"That's awesome!" Sophia cheered. "I want to be a journalist. Or a news reporter. Something to do with broadcasting."

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now