Chapter Thirty-Four: To Baker Street

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When I woke up from the previous day, I grimaced when I looked at the time. It was 6PM. I have been asleep since 4 AM. I jolted upright and peered at my phone. I had 4 missed calls, and 13 texts.

I ignored all of my other calls and texts from people expressing their sympathy and clicked on my voicemail from Sophia's dad and listened to it.

"Hey, August. Sophia's funeral is being held next week Wednesday at 11AM. I don't know what to think right now... that my baby girl is gone. I would like to meet up with you for coffee before the funeral."

My eyes started watering again as I remembered the prior day. I swallowed painfully and got up out of bed. I looked awful. I had dark black circles under my eyes, my normal blue eyes were bloodshot, my hair was a mess, I still had blood on my hand...

I took a deep breath and rushed to the shower. As soon as the shower was as hot as I could get it, I jumped in and started scrubbing my skin harshly. I shampooed my hair and brushed my teeth. Once I got out, my skin was pink due to how hot the water was. I put on a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt.

I carefully walked down the stairs. The flat was eerily quiet. No Ely playing with his toys or doing homework; no Sherlock playing the violin or doing an experiment; no Mrs. Hudson making tea. Just.... silence.

I chewed on my lip as I looked around for anyone here. When I didn't see anyone, I walked outside to the cool April air and crossed the street to Sophia's Dad's flat. I knocked on the door and waited. I should have called first, I don't know if he's here or not.

Mr. Devin opened the door slowly and smiled grimly at me. "Come in."

I walked inside the flat and took my shoes off. I noticed the bouquets of flowers that were on his table.

"Coffee?" Mr. Devin offered, remembering I didn't like tea.

I shook my head, "No thank you."

I studied Mr. Devin. He looked just about as bad as I do. His eyes are red, his hair messy, dark under-eye circles.

"What happened? How did my baby... get shot?" Mr. Devin asked me, he looked like he was about to cry again.

I took a deep, shaky breath. "Sop-Sophia and I went to the aquarium to meet Sherlock. He found... someone who he has been looking for for a long time... for a case. Anyway... the police came and had her surrounded but... in her last moments of being a free woman she took aim at me and pulled the trigger." Tears started falling down my cheeks. "Sophia jumped in front of me."

"Sophia... she proposed to me. Did she tell you?" I wiped my tears off my cheek.

"She did." Mr. Devin sniffed.

"Mr. Devin... your daughter saved my life with hers. I'm sorry. I wish it was the other way around. I really do. She has now put a value on my life... that I do not know how to spend. She was the most thoughtful, kind, beautiful, person on this earth." I started sobbing. "She....I failed her."

Mr. Devin stood up and gave my a tight hug. "It's okay, August. I know how much she loved you. It's okay. Shhh. I love you like I did her, ever since you were fourteen. If you need anything, please call me. Please."

I nodded. "The same goes for you."

When I left Mr. Devin's flat I felt a little bit better. I jogged across the street to go back home. I opened the door tenderly and closed it. There, I saw Sherlock sitting on the chair, thinking. He looked up when he saw me and gave me a small smile. I didn't return it.

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now