Chapter Twenty-Three: The Wedding

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April 15th

I looked at myself in the mirror and huffed. The lilac dress that Mary wants her bridesmaids to wear are super uncomfortable. This was the day of John and Mary's wedding, and it had to be perfect. Sherlock was already ready in his suit, and Ely was wearing a dark blue suit. He looked adorable in it. 

"August it's time to go!" Sherlock yelled up the stairs into my bedroom.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I finished my look off by putting mascara on and a nude pink lip. Once I was downstairs I was greeted by Sherlock and Ely.

"Aww, Ely you look nice." I smiled, he has been excited for the wedding. Mary has done me such a huge favor by watching over Ely whenever I'm busy with a case. 

"I can't wait to see Archie again." Ely grinned. Him and Archie have since bonded since the wedding planning have been in the works. He was Mary's friend's son. 

"Come on. We can't be late." Sherlock herded up out the door and into a waiting taxi. The drive to the wedding wasn't too long - John and Mary picked a close by church.

"Sophia didn't want to come, August?" Sherlock asked me.

My mood dimmed. "No. She doesn't even want to talk to me. I don't understand. She said she wanted to continue being friends but I guess she changed her mind." I winced thinking back to the slew of angry text messages she sent me. It was very out of character for her.

"Girlfriends only slow you down." Sherlock replied, looking at both Ely and me. 

"I guess." I replied glumly. 

"Lighten up. It's John's and Mary's wedding day." Sherlock smiled, nudging me with his elbow.

I smiled back at him. Once we arrived at the Church Ely and Archie ran off together, uninterested in adult conversations. The ceremony was beautiful. John and Mary looked absolutely stunning. I was sat between Ely and Mrs. Hudson during it, and I couldn't help but noticed Mrs. Hudson wiping a stray tear away. Once it was all over, everyone clapped and got into position to take photographs. I noticed Sherlock was quietly talking with a pretty lady with brown hair. 

"Mary! You look fantastic." I said once I reached up to her.

"Oh thank you dear." Mary grinned.

John indicates to Mary as a waiter approaches with a plate of canapés. "Oh, d'you want...?"

Mary took one from the plate. "I'm starving. Had to lose so much weight to get into this dress."

I laugh. "I had to gain weight to fit into mine." 

"Yeah. And you look fantastic, August. I'm really proud of you." John said. I've gained about 35lbs, leaving me in the healthy weight BMI range.

I smile. "Thanks John, I couldn't have done this without you."

I look over to see Sherlock and the pretty girl- Janine still conversing. I walk over to eavesdrop.

"He's nice." Janine said.

Sherlock sniffed the air. "Traces of two leading brands of deodorant, both advertised for their strength, suggestive of a chronic body odor problem manifesting under stress."

"Okay, done there. What about his friend?" She pointed to the guy next to him.

"Long-term relationship, compulsive cheat." Sherlock answered.

"Seriously?" Janine looked surprised.

"Waterproof cover on his smartphone. Yet his complexion doesn't indicate outdoor work. Suggests he's in the habit of taking his phone into the shower with him, which means he often receives texts and emails he'd rather went unseen."

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now