Chapter Fourteen - Death

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Edit: It's been quite a bit since I have updated this story, but like I said. I promised to finish it. It's been a while since I watched Sherlock, so no harsh judgement on the plot! <3 Just be happy I'm uploading lmao. (Video of 'August' in next swipe :)

It's been a while since I've written in my journal. Where do I even begin? I stared at the last entry. I wrote about Sherlock making fun of the press and his silly detective hat. That was the time me, Sherlock, and John had started to become famous with the press. Everyone wanted to get to know us, take photos of us, write articles about us. That was the start of Sherlock's downfall.

I sighed and wiped a stray tear off of my cheek. This has been my daily routine for three years. Feeling sorry for myself. I was 18 now. Sherlock jumped off a building and killed himself three years ago. No warning. No preparation. I was left alone truly without any family. John moved on. It was hard for him to move on, but he did. He's dating a woman by the name of Mary. I liked her. She always tried to cheer me up when I was depressed, which was often. I take antidepressants, but they didn't bring my father back from the dead.

Sophia comes over as much as possible. She's in Uni now, studying broadcasting. Sometimes it's hard to find the time to travel back to London as her school is in Manchester. Sometimes I feel like she's worried I'm going to follow the footsteps of my father. Sometimes I'm worried I might too.

I cut my hair. I stopped eating. I stopped helping Molly at the morgue. Yeah, depressed is an understatement. Sometimes I would visit his grave. Sometimes I wouldn't. John has tried to get me to seek help. Countless therapist would do at-home checks. Countless therapists quit. 

Somehow I convinced John to move out with Mary. I didn't want him to feel responsible for my wellbeing. I wanted him to have a happy life, not being reminded of his past one. He deserved it.

Ms. Hudson let me live in our old flat for free and Mycroft helped me out financially. I felt bad taking free handouts, but they insisted. Sometimes it was hard to see his old stuff. I didn't touch anything. I didn't dare touch anything. In case he came back.

Ms. Hudson legally adopted me when Sherlock passed to avoid conflict with the law. I already considered her a grandmother to me, so it worked.

Dinner tonight? Invite Sophia? - John

Okay. Time? Place? - A

The Minuara. 8 O' Clock. - John

Ok. -A

I sighed. This is John's way of checking up on me. He does this about once a month. There was no use in cancelling, he would just reschedule until I said yes.

Dinner tonight? - A

Sure! I'm going back home for the weekend anyway. I'll meet you at the flat in an hour? Where are we going? - S

Sounds good. I've missed you. We're going to the Minuara with John and Mary. - A

Ooh. Fancy! - S

I smiled a little bit. Sophia did know how to cheer me up. Just the thought of seeing her soon after a week of her being away at Uni was exciting. I don't know how she has put up with me for this long, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Once Sophia arrived to the flat, we hailed a cab to take us to the Minuara. Why John would pick such a fancy restaurant is beyond me. I made sure to wear a flattering black minidress with my late mother's gold necklace. I touched the necklace longingly. Maybe I was cursed and everyone in my life dies or something.

Sophia was dressed in a red dress with lace trimmings. Her big, curly hair was braided down her back and her eyes were coated in gold shadow.

"You look adorable." I commented, looking my girlfriend up and down.

"Not as adorable as you. C'mon." Sophia opened the door for me to the restaurant and we walked in.

"I'm with John Watson." The waiter nodded and led Sophia and I to a table where John and Mary sat. Mary grinned when she us coming.

"Guess what!" Mary shouted, obviously excited.

"You're engaged?" I deduced, a smile permanently residing on my lips.

"I always forget I shouldn't play the guess-what game with you, Holmes." Mary said, laughter filling her voice.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both." And I meant it. John's happiness was important to me.

"Congratulations you two." Sophia grinned.

A tall waiter with glasses and a scrawny mustache showed up.

"What would ze gentlemen and ze ladies like for starters?" I heard the fake accent right away.

I looked up. Fake mustache.

Fake waiter.

Fake death.

My hearing faded. It sounded like a million horses were galloping in my ears. My arms starting shaking.

"August. What's wrong?" Sophia asked, concern laced in her voice.


Everyone in the table turned their heads to look at our waiter, who was now revealed as my late father.

"You're dead." I whispered. I could feel my eyes growing huge.

"Not the last time I checked." Sherlock replied.

"Oh my God." Mary mumbled.

"Not quite."

"Do you have any idea what you've done to John? To your daughter?" Mary shrieked.

"Three years. You left my life three years ago. Do you have any idea how I've coped for three years?" I was shouting now. My head has started spinning. I can't take this.

"You cut your hair. I liked it long." Sherlock retorted.

Suddenly, John, who's face was drained of all color, balled his fists up and punched Sherlock right in the jaw. I can't say I didn't enjoy watching that. It helped put some of my nerves on end.

"Well hello to you too." Sherlock grinned, his hand covering his now bleeding nose.

I put my hands in my hair and tugged at my scalp. Sophia's hands were rubbing my back in comforting circles.

"Let's go outside."

WOW IM BACK GUYS HOLY SHIT!! I'm starting to get in the swing of things again, I want to finish this story!! I hate having it unfinished. I can't remember my plan I had for this story (it's been two years) so I'm thinking of new ones. Comment what type of ending you want it to have? I'll make it happen!

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now