Chapter Three: Mycroft

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"August, help me!" My baby brother screamed. I tried running towards him but he kept getting farther and farther away. Soon enough, he was out of my visual. I looked around and saw my mother sobbing. She was on her knees begging to God for her, Tim, and Ely to live. I rushed to her, only to be thrown back.

Suddenly, a huge truck came rushing forward. I screamed when it made impact on my broken mother. Metal flung from each side of me and I felt something wet on my face. Blood.

I woke up in a start. Tears were pouring down my face as I hurriedly wiped them away. That's what I must have felt in my dream.

I sat up, disorientated on where I was at. Oh yeah, I'm at my biological father's flat. I woke up quite late, so the sun was already shining through my curtains. I grumbled and got out of bed. I was definitely not a morning person. This day already sucks.

I got dressed into my dark wash skinny jeans and a red tee shirt. Suddenly, I heard yelling downstairs, along with a couple plates being knocked to the floor. I rushed downstairs to see Sherlock wrestling with a person who was wearing some sort of ragged clothing.

"Watch Out!" Sherlock yelled, pushing me out of the way and punching the man, knocking him unconscious. "What the hell was that?" I said, my eyes wide.

"For a case." Sherlock replied, smiling down on the body. I forgot Sherlock was a consulting detective. John had explained that people go to Sherlock for help when they couldn't figure out something for theirselves.

"Where's John?" I mustered up my courage and peered over to the body. It didn't have a face. I swallowed and looked away.

"I didn't know he wasn't here." Sherlock replied curtly, sitting back down on his chair. and picking up a book. I went in the kitchen and noticed a huge slash mark from where someone hit the kitchen table. I didn't say anything. I was making myself coffee and toast when John came inside.

"You took your time." Sherlock glanced at John from his book. So he did know John had left.

"Yeah because I didn't get to shopping." John said, glancing around the flat.

"What? Why not?" Sherlock set his book on the side table.

"Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and pin machine." John sighed, looking frustrated.

"You had a row with a machine?" Sherlock looked amused. I finished my toast and came into the living room, sitting down on the couch.

"Sort of. It sat there while I shouted abuse at it. Do you have any cash?" John asked.

"Take my card." Sherlock replied, nodding in the direction of his wallet.

John walked towards the kitchen but turned around. "You could always go yourself, you know. You haven't moved since this morning."

Sherlock and I made eye contact and I grinned. "I can go with you John." I offered, wanting something to do.

"Yes, good idea." Sherlock mumbled, looking into his phone.

"How are you holding up, August?" John asked me while we were strolling through the shop. I caught my eye on a box of Oreos and almost put it in John's cart but decided against it. John must have seen the look in my eye because he placed the Oreos in his cart anyway.

"Thanks." I grinned. "I'm doing okay. It's a lot to take in. I wish Sherlock would talk to me more. I think he's embarrassed that he has a daughter."

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