Chapter Thirty One: I broke his.... what?

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Wednesday, February 5th

"Hold on, let you put you on speaker." I pulled my phone away from my head and pressed the speaker option. "Okay." I quickly glanced to where Sherlock and John were sitting.

"You broke his penis." Lestrade said over the phone.

"I broke his.... what?" I questioned. I almost started laughing.

"Yup. Now that was the good news. The bad news is that he is pressing charges." Lestrade told me.

Sherlock and John stared at me, watching my reaction.

"Just me?"


"Okay... There was a camera in the room, can't you pull footage from that?" I sighed, annoyed that Anderson had the audacity to even think about pressing charges on me. It was him that came onto me first. I grimaced when my left breast started to throb.

"Unfortunately that camera has been broken for ages now. August, I trust your word on what happened... but this is now a whole 'he said, she said' situation, and it doesn't usually go well for the woman.

"Okay... um... do I still have my internship?" I asked sheepishly. 

"You do, but I'm going to postpone your second day on the job until this Anderson thing is sorted. We are in the process of him being fired but we can't do that until light is shown to the situation. I'm sorry, August." Lestrade sounded sympathetic.

"Thanks, Lestrade." I ended the call and took a deep breath. 

"The nerve of that guy!" John shouted. We had just gotten back from visiting my uncle and now the three of us were scattered across the living room.

"It's whatever. I'm sure Sherlock can tell everyone the truth of what happened or something." I rolled my eyes.

"Unlikely. They're not going to want me to work this case because we are related." Sherlock told me, he looked at me softly.

I was knocked down a level. "....Mycroft?"

Sherlock shook his head. "Blood relation."

"He got you off murder!" I was dumbfolded. "He can't clear the air about self-defense?"

Sherlock looked thoughtful. "Possibly. The only reason I was off the hook was because it was Mycroft who arrested me in the first place. If word gets out that he let his niece off the hook for assault, it could harm his position."

"It was self defense." I sulked.

"Yes." Sherlock smiled. "But you're going to need to do it the old fashion way."

"What's the point of her uncle owning the government and her father being a famous detective then?" John took the words right out of my mouth.

"Not much this time, I'm afraid." 

"You have got to be joking." I rolled my eyes. "You murder someone and get a pat on the back and I defend myself and have to go through court. You know how sexist work environments are! Ugh. This is going to be all over the papers too! 'Sherlock Holme's daughter accused of assault', I see it now!"

"Maybe Mycroft can change his mind over pressing the charges." John suggested. 

"I'll talk to him about it." Sherlock nodded.

"No. I will. I'm going to go see him now." I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked outside. Once I found a cab I told them where I wanted to go and sat in the back. I pulled my phone out and texted Ely. I got him a phone once he turned 11 and six months, it was just a flip phone, but it made me feel a lot safer that he could text me, Sherlock, John, Mary, or Mrs. Hudson if he needed anything. I hope I'm making my mum proud of me, the way i'm raising Ely. 

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now