Chapter Twenty-Two: Ely

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The days following my brother's arrival was quiet. We heard nothing from Chris Moriarty. Sherlock has been extremely anxious since we got home. He barely slept and always watched out the front window, almost like he was waiting for something to happen. I made the decision to sell my brother and I's childhood home. I opened a savings account with Ely's name and put a portion of the money in it for when he turned 18. That's what a good big sister would do.

Ely seemed to find Sherlock fascinating. In fact, most younger kids loved Sherlock. I went downstairs one night to see Ely and Sherlock bent over a couple of science experiments. I was horrified to find that Sherlock was showing my little brother human organs and how fast they dissolve in citric acid.

I tried telling Sherlock to chill with the experiments but Ely begged me to continue letting him watch. I couldn't resist.

"Your sister is always so uptight isn't she?" Sherlock had said that night.

Ely didn't say anything but he grinned at my dad. I scoffed and went back to bed.

Mycroft called me one day and told me that he legalized my brother to be a U.K citizen and that I was his official guardian. It made me feel like the three years I had wasted starving and hating myself was turning full circle. I felt like my purpose was brought back to me. Sherlock and Ely all within the same month.

I registered Ely to a local school near Baker Street. He had an appointment to take a placement exam to see where he stood with his education. I doubt he received any when he was with Moriarty. Ely has kept pretty quiet about his years being kidnapped. I wish he would tell me what happened, it's been driving me up a wall. My guess would be that he was a sitting duck, Moriarty was waiting for the perfect time to reveal him to me.... but that wouldn't make sense since he just gave Ely up. Chris Moriarty just gave up his upper-hand. I couldn't make sense of it.

Ms. Hudson, Ely, and I all went shopping to find Ely some more clothes, school supplies, and toys. When we got back, there was enough bags to fill the entire flat.

"Did you buy the entire store?" Sherlock asked, getting up from his chair to help us.

"Just about." I grinned. "Ely needs clothes and school supplies. He can't be wearing that same shirt and pants everyday."

"I would assume so." Sherlock dropped a bag on Ely's bed.

Sherlock turned around and studied us. "You barely look like siblings. Black hair... orange hair."

I smilled. "Yeah, I'm definitely your child, Sherlock Holmes. Ely is Chrissie's."

"At least I got the looks." Ely grinned, dogging the light punch I threw him.

"Sibling rivalry." Ms. Hudson joked.

"Thank you for going with us Ms. Hudson. Are we still on for breakfast in the morning?" Ms. Hudson and I started going to get breakfast twice a week. She was thrilled. She told me that with each passing day I looked healthier, mentally and physically.

"Of course." Ms. Hudson patted my shoulder and made her way back downstairs. She said she had laundry that had to be done. We put everything away, and I finally saw my little brother smile wholeheartedly for the first time since we reunited.


A few days later..

John, Mary, Sherlock, Ely, and I were all crowded around the living room. Mary needed help sorting out her wedding invitations. Sherlock went into overdrive. He decorated the wall of seating arrangements, cake tasting, wine tasting, backstories of the people who were invited, transportation, catering, rehearsal, the whole nine yards.

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