Chaper 35: Epilogue

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The doctor let me off the next day. Everything was back to normal. Of course, I missed Sophia's funeral, but I visited her grave as soon as I could. John, Mary, Rosie, Mrs. Hudson, Ely, and Sherlock went to her funeral for me. I was grateful to have such caring friends. I was sad to have missed it, but I'm sure she understands... as she watches over me.

Sherlock has picked up more cases and it is as busy as ever. John and Mary were busy with Rosie. She was the cutest little baby you ever did see. I loved her. John went on cases with Sherlock often, as did I. I tried to put my brain to good use, to do something productive instead of feeling sorry for myself. Sophia gave me this life to live to the fullest, and I plan to do that.


5 years later.....

"Rosie! Get down from the cabinet!" Mary scolded. I giggled as I saw Rosie trying to get to the Oreos from the top shelf.

Mrs. Hudson smiled and bounced William up and down on her lap. John and Mary gave birth to a baby boy two years ago.

Ely was 16 now, and was dating that girl he adored in his year six class. I rolled my eyes. He was a love struck fool.

"Gotta go sis. Annie is waiting for me." Ely jogged out the door and closed it behind him.

I turned to look at Sherlock, who was still a little angry at me for remodeling the flat. Of course, I left everything important. But I think our old furniture just simply had to go. Especially since he was now seeing someone - I had to be his wingman and make his flat look nice, didn't I? Sherlock will get over it. I think his couch was about ready to fall apart.

I was considering the idea of moving out, especially since Ely needed more space now and Sherlock was seeing someone. I knew just the flat too.... 221C was open.

I laughed at Rosie as she came up to me and stuck her tongue out. She was a mess.

"Congratulations on your promotion! By the way!" Mary walked into my view and hugged me. I hugged her back, smiling.

"Thank you! I can't believe Lestrade made me head detective. I mean, I do. The day I graduated with my criminal studies diploma he promoted me. Basically threatened me with knighthood." I laughed.

Mary smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

"Hey I'm proud of you too!" John said, he took William from Mrs. Hudson and patted his back.

"I know you are." I grinned. I reached my arms out and took William from John, bouncing the toddler in my arm.

"Thanks." John said, he looked tired, but happy.

Sherlock was speechless when John and Mary named their baby boy William Sherlock Watson. The highest compliment you could give. He definitely didn't know how to thank John, so instead he went into overdrive- almost like he did with John's wedding- and it got to the point where John told him to go take a break. But since then I think Sherlock is one of William's favorite people now.

"Let's take a group photo." Mrs. Hudson said as she pulled her tripod out.

"Oh Ely isn't here! Always off with that girl!" Mrs. Hudson grumbled, but she smiled anyway. "We'll just photoshop him in."

She set up the camera and set a timer. She walks back and stood in front of me. I stood next to Sherlock. John and Mary were in the front with Rosie and William.

"Say Cheese!"

"Cheeeeseee!!!!" The seven of us grinned, taking yet another memory that will be cherished forever.


I'm so sad I finished this book ;_;
I've been writing this book for two years and I feel so sad and warm that it's over. PLEASE let me know how you liked it! Or didn't like it! I am considering writing a spin-off series, but I'm not 100% sure tbh. If you have any commissions let me know, because now I'm itchy to write something. :)

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