Chapter twenty - CM INC.

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Trigger warning: Eating disorder, weight, talk of murder

I woke up feeling extremely groggy. IV's were embedded into my arms. I laughed. This was familiar.

I moaned and tried to sit up, only to have a firm hand press against my chest to lay me back down. I looked up to see Sherlock look at me with a sense of disappointment.

"What happened?" I managed to croak out, my voice sounding like a 90 year old smoker's.

"You fainted when John took your blood." Sherlock stated.

"Wow. What a lame way to end up in a hospital." I laughed humorlessly.

"This isn't funny." Sherlock said, looking cross. "John shared with me your information from your physical."

"Well that's totally illegal." I joked, rolling my eyes.

"Can you knock it off? Really August? 83 pounds?" Sherlock leaned over to my hospital bed and shook his head slightly. "You're staying here for a while. There are really good doctors and therapists that can help you."

All humor quickly left my body. I started to hyperventilate. "What? No! No! Oh my god." The heart rate monitor started to beep faster.

"Calm down. Just calm down." Sherlock attempted to soothe me.

"Please don't leave me here. I feel like I'm about to throw up." I focused on trying to regain my breathing.

"August! Calm down. It's going to be okay." My father placed both hands on my shoulder. His presence made me feel a bit better.

I took a deep breath. "Where's John?"

"Work. He took a couple hours off after you fainted but he had to go back to make it up." Sherlock told me.


"Listen to me. I honestly don't know what to do. I can't force you to do anything, obviously. But, I said I was sorry. I know I don't relate to human feelings all that much, but when you walked into my door when you were thirteen years old, I felt every feeling known to man. I know this sort of stuff is difficult. I would have done everything so much differently if I just was one step ahead of Moriarty. But it had to be done that way. If I didn't do what I did, you could be dead. John could be dead. Mrs. Hudson could be dead. You're not cursed. I'm still here. There is no reason to punish yourself anymore. Everything is better now, isn't it?" Sherlock looked at me softly. "I love you August. But you scare me. Having a daughter like yourself and friends like John, was the best thing that could of happened to me. I would never forgive myself if you died... somehow. When Moriarty kidnapped you when you were fourteen years old, it was bad. I never wanted to experience that feeling again. But I have since then. Twice actually. The day I came back to surprise you and John and then the day John was in the bonfire."

"What do you mean the day you came to surprise me?" I asked, bewildered.

"For Sherlock Holme's daughter, sometimes you can be dull headed, August." Sherlock commented. "The way you look. You look dead."

I was quiet. This wasn't the first time Sherlock had told me this. "I'm sorry. I'll do better. I'll follow a nutritional plan, just please don't leave me here."

"Okay. But you have to follow it exactly. No skipping meals." Sherlock reaffirmed. It was kind of weird him acting like a father figure ever since he got back.

"It's a deal." I smiled at Sherlock.

I was given the all clear by a doctor once they went over a strict nutritional meal plan. It involved eggs, smoothies, fruit, or oatmeal for breakfast. A sandwich, fruit, salad, soup or roasted veggies for lunch. Salmon, soup, pizza, hamburger, salad, or roasted veggies for dinner. I'm sure I could handle that.

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now