Chapter Twenty-Eight: Appledore

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October 19th

"I'm so proud of you!" I grabbed Ely into a tight hug. "Straight A's!"

My brother grinned. "Ms. Leaver said that I can take another placement test before Christmas and see if I can go on to year six."

"That's awesome buddy!" I smiled. I was so proud of Ely, he has worked so hard to catch up to his age group in school. A tutor came to our flat once a week to help him on his studies further.

Suddenly, the door knocked and an middle aged woman came inside the flat. Sherlock stood up from his chair in the living room and greeted her. "Hello Elizabeth, please come in."

Sherlock turned to me and mouthed the words, 'case'. I nodded. Ely headed to his room.

"Mr. Holmes... I need help finding someone." The woman swallowed. "My mother's funeral was two weeks ago. There was a guy there who I haven't met before and we really hit it off. We talked even after the funeral but I forgot to get his number and I tried really hard to to track him down with no luck."

I looked at Sherlock, normally he doesn't take these types of cases, he said they're a waste of time.

"Go on.." Sherlock looked at her in thought.

"Well... um. His first name was Eddie but I didn't catch his last name. So hopefully he's not related to me." Elizabeth awkwardly laughed. "I even tried to ask my other family members, but it was like he never existed in the first place."

"Interesting. Perhaps just a random stranger then?" Sherlock suggested.

"Maybe." Elizabeth looked down and twitched nervously.

"Do you have any immediate family, Ms. Elizabeth?"

"Well. My mother - who just passed. And now my sister, who passed two days ago."

"I'm sorry." I said. I studied her further. Widow. No kids. No pets. Signs of depressions. Troubled relationship with past family members.

"How did she pass?" Sherlock asked.

"Sherlock!" I hissed.

"It's okay. She was murdered." The corner of Elizabeth's mouth twitched.

"Murdered! Your sister was murdered and you come to me asking how to contact a man you met at your mother's funeral?" Sherlock asked, his lips smiling slightly.

"Th-the cops are on the case... I have my trust in them." The woman stuttered. I laughed silently. What a dumbass.

"You, Elizabeth Kersey. Just turned yourself in." Sherlock looked down on his phone and started texting. "You killed your sister in hopes of meeting this mystery guy again at your sister's funeral. It had to be your sister because if he knew your mother, he obviously knew your sister."

"What! I did not kill her!" Elizabeth stammered, panic flashing through her eyes. "Especially over a man I barely know!"

"Really?" I asked. "You didn't kill her?"


I laughed. "Scotland Yard is getting slow."

Sherlock hummed in agreement.

We didn't allow her to leave until the cops came, Lestrade and Anderson put her in handcuffs and arrested her.

"How did you know we were working this case?" Lestrade asked Sherlock.

Sherlock smiled. "I always know."

Lestrade looked at him funny. "Right." He turned to me. "August! Have you considered the apprenticeship? I haven't heard from you."

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now