Chapter Eighteen - Bomb

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I managed to eat two slices of pizza. It was enough to keep Sherlock happy, even though he is hypocritical. Sherlock barely eats, he only does when he absolutely needs it.

Two slices of pizza is around 600 calories... no more food for the rest of the day, then.

"Let's go to the tubes. We need to investigate." Sherlock piped up from his spot on the couch. He has been on the phone for about an hour. Deducting from the tone of his voice it was urgent.

"Okay. Let me grab a sweater." I rushed upstairs and put on the closest sweater to me. It was my thick gray one that I've had since I was 14.

Sherlock had his trench coat on when I came back downstairs. It has started to snow lightly as well.

"I'm going to hail a cabby." Sherlock flew his arm up and a bright yellow taxi screeched at a stop. I was always amazed by Sherlock's talent to find just the right moment to grab a taxi. Whenever I tried to catch one it took me at least 10 minutes every time.

I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm myself up. "It's so cold outside!"

"Yeah, and you weigh 85lbs." Sherlock remarked rudely.

"My weight is none of your business." I grumbled. He was spot on, though.

Once we made it to the tube, Sherlock had marched straight down to where the trains run. It was becoming late, so the amount of people were minimal.

"So it's a bomb then? A tube carriage is carrying a bomb?" I suggested, based off of Sherlock's phone call earlier.

"Must be."

"Right.." I quicken my pace to match Sherlock's. I was considerably shorter than he was. After thinking for a moment, I decided that the best option would be to call the police. If there was a bomb in Westminster station, that could kill thousands of people.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock stopped me.

"Calling the police?"

"What? No!" Sherlock exasperated.

I sighed. "Sherlock, this isn't a game. They need to evacuate Parliament."

"They'll get in the way. They always do. This is cleaner, more efficient." Sherlock stopped a locked maintenance entrance and took out a crowbar from his trench coat. How he fit it in there was beyond me. Soon, after Sherlock pried the door open he stepped inside.

"And illegal." I commented, slightly amused.

"Just a bit."

I followed in after Sherlock and he pulls the gate closed behind us. Sherlock handed me a flashlight and I turned it on, making the passageway easier to see. I take out my phone again to see if I had any service, which I didn't. Ugh. John would have called the police.

Sherlock looked behind him and saw that I was studying my phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Coming." I sighed.

I put my phone away and continue walking behind Sherlock for a while. The tunnel is narrow, making me feel slightly claustrophobic. Soon, we reach towards the end of the tunnel. No train.

"I don't understand!" Sherlock yelled, frustrated.

"Wow. That's a first." I commented snidely.

"There's nowhere else it can be..." Sherlock mumbled.

I thought about it. If I were to put a bomb under the railroad system, I  would do where the flames would engulf the whole building, which is under the parliament houses.

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