Chapter Seventeen - Heart to Heart

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Somehow me, Sherlock, and Mary all fit on a motorcycle that Sherlock had hijacked. I saw the panic in his face once he realized that John was in trouble. My heartbeat was racing as Sherlock pushed the gas further. At the rate we're going now, it would take about ten minutes to get there.

"I've got another text!" Mary shouted. She showed me and Sherlock what it read:

Getting warmer Mr. Holmes

You have about ten minutes

"What does this mean? What are they going to do to him?" Mary yelled, panic was seeping into her voice.

"I don't know!" Sherlock yelled back. 

I gripped tightly onto Mary. I tried thinking of every possibly that would led to John's kidnapping, but I kept drawing blanks.

Mary's phone beeped again:

8 minutes and counting...

Sherlock looks to read Mary's phone for a split second and then turned his attention back on the road. Soon we reach a roadblock, a bunch of police tape and officers were blocking the way.

"Damn!" Sherlock slammed on the brakes. The detective took a sharp left and continued through another route. 

"Faster, Sherlock!" I yelled, scared.

Sherlock didn't respond, he just focused on getting to the church on time. 

I heard Mary's phone go off again:

Better hurry
things are
hotting up here...

After Mary showed Sherlock, the motorcycle sped with a new speed. I calculated the route through my head, if Sherlock continues straight we will get there in less than a minute.

Another text went through to Mary's phone:

What a shame
Mr Holmes.
John is quite a Guy!

"What does this mean?!" Mary shrieked.

We arrived to the church with two minutes to spare, however the sight in front of us made me freeze with panic.

A huge bonfire was ablaze in the middle of the yard. John must be inside.

"Oh my god!" Sherlock yelled, running forward with Mary.

The three of us ran forward and starting to throw burning logs to the side. 

"John! John!" I heard Sherlock yell. 

I couched down trying to see where John was, but it was hard to see through the sticks and logs that were piled around him. 

I put my hand on a log, and instantly drew back. The palm of my hand was now an ugly red color from my flesh being singed. 

Soon, Sherlock pulled another log out that revealed John. He quickly grabbed him and pulled him far away from the fire.

"John! Are you alright?" Mary yelled, her breathing was laced with exasperation.

"Ughh... uh...yeah....ughhh." John moaned. 

I pulled out my phone and called 911. "An ambulance is on it's way, John." 

John nodded at me. Soon he regained his strength enough to sit up. 

Once an ambulance came and gave him the all clear, Mary went to take John home while Sherlock and I went to return the stolen motorcycle. I saw the relief in the man's eyes when Sherlock kept to his word and gave him back his precious vehicle. 

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