Chapter Thirty-Two: R.C

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February 10th

"Ahh." I cooed at Rosie. John and Mary were passed out on the couch, asleep. I smiled, they have been exhausted 24/7 ever since Rosie has been born. Right now Sherlock was studying something for his case... something about the Borgia Pearl, while me, Sophia, and Ely were playing with Rosie.

"As ever, Watson, you see but do not observe." Sherlock turns to Rosie. "To you, the world remains an impenetrable mystery whereas, to me, it is an open book. Hard logic versus romantic whimsy. That is your choice. You fail to connect actions to their consequences. Now, for the last time... if you want to keep the rattle do not throw the rattle, hm?"

Sophia laughed, her curls bouncing up and down. "Sherlock, she's only a couple months old. If she throws the rattle she gets it's back. She's training you."

I smiled. "She's definitely a Watson, then."

Sherlock turned to look at me. "What does that mean?"

I ignored his question, and instead just smiled to where Sophia was playing with Rosie in her crib. Ely was doing his homework in the kitchen, making the occasional 'ugh' sounds.

Soon, John and Mary stirred awake. "We must have dozed off." John grumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eye.

"It appears so." Sherlock said, with his back turned from them.

"3'O Clock!? Mary! Wake up." John shook Mary awake. "We need to take Rosie to her newborn class."

Mary slowly opened her eyes. "Five more minutes..."

"No. C'mon sleepy head." John stood up and yanked Mary to her feet. The couple picked Rosie up and said their goodbye, leaving for Rosie's class.

"Sherlock. Can you help Ely with his homework?" I asked, glancing over to the kitchen where I saw Ely's face scrunched up in confusion.

Sherlock nodded and sat down next to Ely. He glanced at the papers and snorted. "Well tell your teacher that these questions are simply a waste of time, as well as impractical."

"Why?" Sophia stood up behind Ely and looked at the papers. She suddenly started laughing.

"Im only speaking truth." Sherlock stood up. "Nobody would buy 64 watermelons."

I laughed. "It's just a hypothetical."

"I don't know what that means." Sherlock muttered as he wrote something down.

I sighed and went to help my brother with his homework. After about 45 minutes, Sophia and I coached him through it. He was smart for not attending school for five years, but he still struggled with a lot of it. Sophia tried her best to explain it to him, and it seemed to work out.

"Thanks sis." Ely grinned as he shoved his homework into his school bag.

"Sherlock, we're going out." Sophia and I put our shoes on and stood at the door.

My father looked me up and down with a strange expression on his face. "Be careful."

"What?" I studied him, trying to deduce what he sees.

"Nothing." He smiled.

"I'll be fine. I'll text you." I smiled, I'm glad that Sherlock worries about me when I go out, but he must know I can handle myself. When Chris Moriarty sent out those men for me, I handled myself pretty well. Well... until I got stabbed, but I like to pretend that I didn't get stabbed. You know?

Sophia and I took a cab to the park close by Baker Street, where we hung out for the first time. We ran to where the swings were and we each occupied one. Giggling, we swung back and forth, trying to get taller than the other.

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