Chapter Twenty-Seven: Days gone by

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John, Ely, and I rode in a cabbie behind the ambulance Sherlock was in. John made sure to not talk to me the whole ride there. Ely was confused and scared - I knew I shouldn't have brought him, but he misses Sherlock.

Once we got to the hospital the three of us had to wait in the waiting room. Mary came to meet us after a while. She started to talk to me but John stopped her, shaking his head. She looked confused for a bit until John whispered in her ear. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. I really hurt John.

"Ms. Holmes? Your father is in stable condition. He's awake, but he should sleep soon. You may talk to him." The doctor came out and looked at me. "You all can go."

I held Ely's hand as we walked over to Sherlock's room. Once inside, Sherlock was lying in the hospital bed with his face scrunched up in pain.

"Sherlock!" Ely yelled, running over to him and hugging his arm.

"Gentle, Ely." Mary scolded lightly.

"Are you dying?" Ely cried, looking at Sherlock.

"No. I just feel like I am." Sherlock looked at Ely and nodded.

"You really scared me. You need to stay here until you're fully healed this time. No running off." John warned Sherlock. "I'll bring you back."

"I count on it. Doc said I should be good as new in a few days. Joy." Sherlock muttered.

I took a deep breath and swallowed. "I-I'm glad."

The room became quiet. John cleared his throat.

"I think we should let Sherlock sleep for tonight." John said, looking at all of us.

"Mary... can you... can you take Ely with you tonight? I need...I just..." I strayed off, my voice cracking.

"Sure." Mary replied, she sounded harsh. I nodded as everyone left except Sherlock and I.

Once Sherlock and I were alone I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "Dad. I just want to say that-"

"That you're sorry?" Sherlock looked at me. "August. You should have came to me sooner. I could have helped you. You want to talk about disappointment? Why didn't you just come to me? Like you said - I thought we were suppose to be a family. I'm not a man of sentiment, August... but this one oddly stings."

I looked down at my lap. "I'm sorry."

"And I forgive you." Sherlock looked at me. "But that doesn't mean I trust you. We're going to figure this Chris Moriarty thing out."

"Thank you." I said, tears dripping from my eyes.

"Go home. Get some rest."

I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. "I'll visit you tomorrow."

"Don't. I need to think."

"Okay." I whispered, walking out of the hospital room and back home.


August 13th, three months later

Sherlock and I haven't found a solution to my problem. The flash drive I gave him has been collecting dust on his desk. It made me wonder if he ever read it. I would be surprised if he didn't- Sherlock can't stand not knowing about anything.

Ely has been out of school for a few months now, which was nice. School starts back up soon, though. I appreciated the time I got to spend with him. He turned 11 as well. I invited some of his school friends along with John and Mary. John and Mary avoided me, though- John wouldn't even look at me.

August Holmes, Sherlock's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now