Aaron and Lilith

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So this one isn't sibling life but more of a father-daughter bonding. I think it will be cute. Anyway to the story.
Third person view
A purple and white checkered house stood on a hill overlooking a village. In front, to the side, is an in fenced playground. A sandbox, a swing, a slide and toys scattered around. In the sandbox sat a child, of the age of a toddler, playing with wooden building blocks. A hooded man sat crossed-legged in front of the child, Lilith. She smiled as she stacks the blocks and watches them tumble once knocked. The male would help build it back up. A raven haired bubbly lord stood on the other side of the fence, leaning her elbows on it. She watched the man and Lilith interact with a smile of her own. Something changed in Lilith's eyes. They sparked with something more than playfulness.  Her Blue eyes shined with mischief. A cheeky grin forms on her lips. The toddler grips one of the blocks in both hands, she looks up at the father figure in her life. Raising the block to her chest height she tosses the block at the hooded man. The thing hits the man in the stomach, the corners slightly scratching him. "Hey!" Aaron states amused as he picks up the thing thrown at him. Lilith giggles pointing grabby hands at the man for the block back. He can't help but hand it back. This cycle continues for a few.... dozen.... times. The hooded man picks up the block again. "Aaron!" Aphmau scolds from where she stands. "If she's going to throw it at you don't give it back to her!" The lord continues trying to get him to use discipline. "She's needs to learn manners..." her voice is full of caring and is very motherly. Aaron holds onto the block even though lilith's grabby hands are pulling at his heart. The toddler sweetly coos and crawls closer putting on a completely innocent act. Puppy dog eyes and all. "You can resists! I believe in you!" Aphmau shouts and cheers for the hooded man as he holds the block out of the light, golden brown haired child's reach. Lilith's eyes light up with an idea, a lightbulb practically set off above her head, she suddenly stops what she is doing and stares the male in the eyes. Straight through his faded crimson red bandana. "Dada!" Lilith squealed and giggled as she repeated what she said a few more times. "Dada! Dada!" Just for good measures. Aaron couldn't help it, his heart melted. A huge smile grew on his face as he hands the block to Lilith. She doesn't throw it this time, she starts to build a tower. "Suck up..." Aphmau whispers with her bottom lip slightly sticking out in a pout.
I'm at 943 views!! I completely missed 800... I'm so sorry for not updating for a while. I've been quite busy. I actually hanged out with my dad a couple of days ago as a first in a long time..... not that you guys care or read this but yeah. Hope all your reads are good ones!
Cats out.

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