Dmitri and Nekoette

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It's been awhile.. But!! Chapter!! Yay! I've got a lot of writing to catch up on...
Third person pov
A young cat girl sighs in defeat as she peeks around yet another tree. She flicked her left, white furred, ear lazily; she's been out here for hours or it a least felt like hours. A snapping sound was heard followed straight by a smallish branch falling from the tree the girl current stood under. It hit the ground crunching fallen leaves underneath it; A handful of Autumn coloured leaves follow the branch down, showering the kitten. She flinched at the branches entrance into the scene as it fell to close for comfort. Dusting a crumbling brown leaf out of her pastel locks; she looks up, classically wanted to know how and why parts of the tree desired to advance on her personal bubble. Her expression changes from something of annoyance to pure joy.

"Found you!!" She shouts jumping around with a big grin etched on her face. A blue haired child slightly older then the cat girl climbed out of the tree slowly. " yeah yeah.." The boy mumbles, once his feet met the ground, slightly upset he was found. Facing her he quickly asks "hey Nekoette! have you found Mister yet?" The boys voice was filled with hope.

Nekoette calms down from her joyful jumping to smirk at her half-brother. " no Dmitri~Kun, your the first I have found." Nekoette was clearly teasing but tried to look innocent as she rocked on her heels somewhat with her hands clamped behind her back. Dmitri gasps in realisation, a pout quickly making itself present on his face. Arms crossed over his chest; the older brother watch as the white furred Meif'wa trying to hold back giggles. He couldn't help but chuckle with her. After a moment of suppressed giggles the siblings collapsed in fits of giggles neither knowing fully why.

Settling down, panting for the air they laughed away. Nekoette and Dmitri rest under the slumbering tree brushing the stray leaves that stuck to their woollen coats.

"You still need to find mister" Dmitri breaths out in amusement chuckling slightly as his sister huff along with a pout that lasted all of three seconds. The pastel blue haired girl twists slightly to face the other. Her eyes sparkling with plead and an irresistible cuteness. "Team?" She squeaks out with the hopes of sounded too adorable to say no too. The kitten's efforts were successful. The blue haired boy shook his hear half-heartedly; a small smile stuck to his features to show he really wasn't disappointed. Looking at his sister with new determination; Dmitri gives a curt nod.

"Team" he confirms happily, Nekoette quickly standing to do a happy little twirl. He follows her's example and got to his feet. The kitten glances left then right. Throwing her older half-brother a excited smile, she runs off in a direction she hasn't search. Dmitri follows after her Lickety-split. They played, joked, laughed and full on messed about in the fallen leaves only slightly looking for their jacket wearing, shirtless companion.

I'm pretty sure they didn't find him.

I googled other words for quickly, knowing I used the word to much and I find the word lickety-split. I haven't heard/read this word in ages!! I needed to use it. XD

Anyway! Hope all your reads and writes are good ones. Cats out!

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