Katelyn x kawaii~chan part 2

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First chapter of 2018!!! Yay!
Kinda important message at the bottom of story. Anyway to the story.
Third person pov

At Katelyn and Kawaii~chan's house:

"Garroth!!" Zane's shouts were heard by everyone in the house. Even though the house was filled with Kawaii~Chan's sweets and treats; Zane insisted on having that one cupcake with pink star candy on it... which Garroth has. The quick footsteps of Garroth pattered upstairs, Zane's annoyed stomps followed as he yells for 'his' cupcake back. The brothers' muffled and childish banter tuned out by their friends. The pink covered Meif'wa giggled along with the blue haired, blue eyed, man with his white haired companion as the three of them played a game about dancing on a old but classic console. Laurance and Kim sat behind them on the couch; munching on baked goods. Dante and Travis would make every dance move drastically over dramatic causing the five in the living room to crack up in fits of giggles and laughter once again. The powder blue haired women munched on a choc-chip cookie as she leaned on the kitchen counter. The drama loving tenant of this house was deep in thought, something has been on her mind since the loveable Meif'wa kissed her cheek, well it's been on her mind before that but right now it's the only thing Katelyn can focus on. The powder blue haired female mindlessly nibbles away her treat, listing the pros and cons of an idea. The half-witch sat at the dining table her chin resting on her hands while her elbows rested on the table.

Katelyn's pov

"Lucinda?" I questioned my friendly rival's name in a sense of asking for her attention. A mellow hum sounded from the orange haired women. A smirk and a listening side glance was passed my way. I finished the cookie quickly and dusted the crumbs off my fingers; the mess fell carelessly to the tiled floor. With a deep breath I rushed over to the chair across from Lucinda. Now facing her, with my palms flat on the dining room table, I begin to blurt what's on my mind. "I've had a crush on Kawaii~chan since, Irene know when?!, and I've been meaning to ask her out... like, on a date..." i practically whisper-scream this to her trying to avoid the loveable Meif'wa hearing me but the adrenaline triggered by telling someone my secret made me want to scream it.. so my voice met half way for both causes..

Lucinda's facial expression flashes with surprise before returning to a undertone half smile, a gentle look with mischief glowing in her crimson eyes. I bet the orange haired women in front of me can see the regret in my Turquoise eyes. The regret of telling her my crush. Lucinda takes a breath then begins to shout.

Kawaii~chan's pov
I was giggling at Dante~Kun and Travis~Kun's dance moves. They were having a lot of fun and laughs. "Kawaii~chan, darling, come her for a sec?!" Lucinda~Sama calls for my attention. With a smile I skip merrily into the kitchen where Katelyn~senpai and Lucinda~Sama reside. Bouncing up to the said people's sides I tilt my head in question towards the crimson eyed witch. She smiles at me with an idea sitting on the tip of her tongue. Katelyn~senpai sat opposite her with her head in her hands. Is senpai blushing?

"Hey Kawaii~chan, how would you like to go on a date with Katelyn?" Lucinda directed an amazing question my way. My cheeks burn quickly. My powder blue haired senpai stood abruptly angry written clearly on her face. She slams her fists I step back slightly shocked but answer Lucinda anyway. "A-a d-d-date with k-Katelyn~senpai?" I studded wanted to make sure I heard the request right. Lucinda nods with a smooth smile not minding the angered Katelyn glaring at her. One though pings around in my head. A date with Katelyn?

Third person pov

Kawaii~chan squeal and bounce around with glee. "A date with senpai!!" She cheer to herself rushing out of the room to tell the others the good news. Lucinda slowly gets up with intent to follow the pink covered Meif'wa. "Enjoy your date" Lucinda smile to her friendly rival before leaving the room; chuckling slightly to herself. Katelyn is left standing at the table, a true blushing mess. She was going on a date... With her senpai.
Yeah! I'm getting back into writing. XD
I've been doing really bad with updates.. and I'm not going keep saying I'll improved, eventually I'll get all the ships you guys asked for! But I've gotta write them as the ideas come to me. People give me ships, which leaves me with a task of creating a prompt, so it takes awhile. But I'll get there!! As usual; hope all your reads and writes are bad ones. Cats out!

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