Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

(Rovie's POV)

"The one and only." Riley flashed his signature smirk and we all fell silent for a few seconds.

"Ooo another drama." Kiamy commented.

But the brothers ignored her and continued to stare each other down.

I saw Connor also flash his signature smirk, "Been a while since we last spoke, brother."

Riley chuckled, "Hmm, yeah I guess you could say that, brother."

Kiamy, Laila and I are still silent. The three of us stayed like that and witness the brothers' dramatic confrontation.

"What made you decide to finally show your face in public after that bad bad stunt you pulled with me and Toby, brother?" Connor smiled as if it meant nothing to him.

"I, for one brother, decided to show my face in here, for you guys to see that I am not clearly one to give up on what I want, what I ought to fight for, and expose the true colors of my poor brother who clearly hasn't moved on and decided to take on his pain with other people."

Connor's forehead crinkled. Annoyance evident in his expression, "What ever do you mean, brother?"

"The things that you, my dear brother, have been doing." Connor didn't respond at what Riley said.

Why? What has Connor been doing?

Riley closed the gap between them. And added, "Just because you're in those crutches doesn't mean you're the victim."


Connor's expression did not soften. He looks more pissed.

After a few seconds of silence, Riley smiled victoriously, "Welp. It was nice seeing you guys. See you all at class. Farewell. Brother?"

Connor's stare at his brother is silently telling us that this is not over between them.

The three of us exchanged looks. I cleared my throat and decided to speak. "What was that all about?"

"He's just being strange, as always. You know him. The trouble maker." He answered, as he continue to watch his brother disappear in the crowd. "I gotta go. Rj, see you in a bit?"

He didn't wait for me to reply, he left just like that.

"Well, I say your life is confusing as hell Rovie." Laila commented.


Kiamy looked at me with concern in her eyes, "Hey? Are you sure you're okay?"

I nod, "Yeah. I'm fine. Let's just head to class."

"No, you're not fine." Kiamy forced herself to touch my forehead, "Oh my god, you're hot."

"Thanks." I smiled.

I saw her roll her eyes, "No, that wasn't a compliment. You're literally hot. As in you're burning up."

"Oh stop it you." I joked.

I heard her scoff, "Once again, it wasn't a compliment. You, my dear friend, have fever."

"Oh great. I have quizzes today." I retorted.

Laila waved me off, "That's a good reason for you to skip classes."

"And take special tests? No thank you."

"You should or you'll literally die in class." I looked at her in a bored way.

Kiamy being authorative and all, pulled me, "Come on don't be a rock and let's go to the clinic."

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