Somethings Amiss

443 15 57

--Sue's POV--


I have re spawned for the twentieth time since we started our search, and we still haven't found them. Spencer has been no help at all, and Maddie has pinned down Billy somewhere in the forest (we lost track of them after Freddie went and leveled a part of the woods) and Sally's mauling Papa, last I checked, and Mama Gertrude and I are the only people really still looking. It's probably not helping that I keep dying, though.

I ran back into the woods as quickly as I could, pulling out my pistol and preparing for the worst. I tripped and rolled under Freddie, screaming the whole time. I kept rolling until I couldn't tell left from right or right from upside down until I plowed into Mama Gertrude.

"OWIE!" I blurted, Mama just stared at me for a bit before she continued looking. I stood up and tried helping her, but I'm not called the suckish officer for nothing... I died again...

Where are they?

--Ghost's POV--

I practically crawled out of the tunnel, the pain from my leg was unbearable (usually I'd pass out by this time...) but I was almost there. When I climbed back into the setting sunlight, I saw Mabel, who wasn't very unconscious anymore...

"Hi, Ghost!" She smiled, "wheres Toast and Dipper?"

"I don't know, we split up. Maxwell apparently made you teleport here..." I told her, panting. "He kinda shot me in the leg... Do have anything that could kill or heal me?"

"No, plus I want company when waiting. You can die when we're done." Mabel said, patting the ground next to her. I scooted over to where she was and faced the cave. She seemed to notice my anxiousness. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. Toast is usually very timely, this isn't like him. I pretty much drug myself through the entirety of the cave, and I still beat him out. Something's amiss." I told her, still looking at the cavern's mouth.

She thought about it, "... I think Maxwell went over to wherever Dipper was..."

"Alright. Maybe he's holding up Toast... He does do that..." We waited a few seconds, "Then again... He does want revenge on us from that one time we killed him during prop hunt..."

"What's Prop hunt?"

"Pretty much a Friday afternoon in Littlebutts. Mabel, I'm going to go check on Toast... You coming?"

"Yeah. If Maxwell did kill Toast, Dippers still down there..." She stood up and helped me to my feet. I limped over to the cave entrance with Mabel when Dipper dashed out of the cave. Without Toast...

"Where's my partner?" I asked instantly, looking behind him, "Why are you holding his flashlight? And my camera? Where'd you even get that..." 

"No time to explain! Bad stuff, we need to close up the cave!" He said, hurriedly, "is there a way to close up the cave? Guess not. Mabel, we need to get out of here."

"Why? Where's Toast?" She asked. I looked further into the cave, trying to use my flashlight to try to find Toast.

I squinted, "is something moving?"

"Oh no, he's coming! Run!" Dipper grabbed my hand and began to try to tug me away, but curiosity got the best of me and I held my ground. "Listen, that's Bill. The chaos demon who wants to destroy everything! YOU NEED TO RUN!"

"But... That's Toast..." I said, still squinting, "wait, that's Toast! JOHNNY! WE'RE UP HERE!" I hollered down to my partner, waving to him with my flashlight hand. Dipper began to freak out. He let go of me, kept clutching the camera, and grabbed Mabel's hand.

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