CB Says Hello.

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--Dipper's POV--

The table flew away from us, crashing into a nearby wall and almost cracking. That thing was made of pure iron! What is this guy?!

"Hellloooo~!" He sniggered, leaning in close, "Who want's to play?" he whispered in our faces. Mabel let out a scream and we began to run. He threw something at us, I think a knife, it stuck my hat to a nearby wall. I snatched it as we ran by and perched it back on my head. We came across Maloney, no longer a bird, holding a squirt gun in front of him.

"MALONEY!" I yelled, "RUN!" Maloney joined in after a moment's hesitation, running with an expression of fear on his face.

"Oh crap! I DON'T WANT TO GO LIKE MY DAD DID!!" He screamed, beginning to pull ahead.

"YOUR DAD DIED TO CASKET?!" I yelled, not looking behind me. I could still hear him laughing.


"She did say the survivors were either dead now or really weird..." I mumbled. Suddenly Casket started yelling at himself... Or Ghost was yelling at Casket? I don't know.

"SHUT UP!" Ghost yelled, "STOP. RUNNING!"


"Because I DON'T WANT TO DIE. AND MAXWELL LIKES MABEL." Ghost yelled back. I heard Jimmy stop laughing.

"HAHA! MaXy DoEs HaVe A hEaRt!!!" Jimmy screamed/chuckled.

We skidded around the corner, and I looked to Jimmy for a second and saw that he'd stopped following us. He had his hands on the sides of his head, maniac style, and his hair was altering color, back in forth from his own and Johnny's.

I kept running with Mabel and Maloney for awhile longer, not sure where we were going anymore, and we eventually stopped at the entrance. It was blocked by a giant metal shelf, Spencer and Maxwell trying to quietly move it.

"Hello, you abtholute NERDS." Spencer said, angrily, "a little help?"

I pulled out the flashlight, set the crystal to the shrink side, and used it on the shelf. It shrunk down until I could carry it in my pocket no problem, Spencer looked unconvinced.

"What the thoummer thauthages is that piethe of crap?" I will admit, it did look kinda like a childhood project, it was just a red plastic flashlight with a rope holding a purplish crystal shard in place. He stepped closer to look at it, but I pulled away. Spencer rolled his eyes, "Alright then. It'th moved thankth to Dueth ex Machina over here. Now what, Maxwell?"

"Now, I get everyone else." He disappeared, and we waited awhile, not even a minute later, Spooker and McGucket teleported to us, covered in clay bits.

"... I have seen things..." Spooker curled into a ball and began rocking bath in forth.

"Maxwell, he just came in and started throwing flowerpots at our faces! Course, we ran, but one got really close to Spooker, so we just teleported out." McGucket explained. "May we leave yet?"

"No, we should wait for Grunkle Stan and Ford..." If one of us goes out, it might alert Bill's "Friends" where we are..." Mabel said, looking out a window, then pausing. "If Toast had a symbol, not from the prophecy, what would it be?"

"A piece of toast," I suggested, trying to follow her gaze.

"See that bubble, the gray one in the distance?" She pointed to a bubble, not circling around town like the rest, and it was surrounded by fire. Loads of fire. On it was a piece of bread, and in the middle of the bread was the P.I.E symbol.

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