... Of The End.

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--Mabel's POV--

We walked for about thirty minutes, not knowing where to look. This was getting complicated... We didn't have a ghost with us or anyone who could teleport, according to Spencer, even though he was a god he couldn't teleport.

We paused for awhile to set up camp in a house we found, just to rest awhile. Apparently, Weirdmaggedion's been going on two days now, and the only sleep I've got was when Maxwell was possessing my body. I was super exhausted.

"Hey. Get some rest, I'll keep watch." Maloney said when I yawned for the seventh time that minute.

"HA! Your jutht ath tired you abtholute nerd!" Spencer laughed, "I'll take watch. I don't need much thleep or food. I onthe lived off box styrofoam for sithx months thrait."

"You are literally a child. I'll take first watch."

"And let uth thuffer th' rithk of your thtupidity? That'th not fair."

"I don't care who takes watch. just please wake me up if Dipper wakes up." I said, yawning again. I flopped on a couch and fell into a dreamless sleep until I was shaken awake.

"Get up, it's Dipper! Something's wrong!" Maloney said. I shot up as soon as he mentioned Dipper.

"What? What happened?!" I asked, with wide eyes.

He shuffled his feet as I stood up, his neck looked red and sore..." it's best you see for yourself... He and Spencer are in the other room..." He didn't even have time to finish, I skidded around the corner and flung open a nearby door to see Spencer pinning down my brother, who was gagged.

I didn't know what to say, my mouth fell agape. "Why... What the?"

"HE TRIED TO THTRANGLE MALONEY WHILE HE THLEPT!" Spencer yelled, "I wath keeping watch, and he jutht woke up, walked over to Maloney and thtarted trying to kill him before I could wake you up! I had to pry him off with a crowbar to get him to let go! He'th lotht it!" 

"Yeah, bad choice with the crowbar, by the way. It really hurt my neck." Maloney said from the other room, "hey, are there any beans left?"

"THERE ARE OTHER THINGTH TO WORRY ABOUT HERE!" Spencer yelled at him. I walked over, dazed.

"Maybe it was a one-time thing? Try letting him go." I suggested. Spencer glared at me, but went with it anyways, ungagging him and everything. He pretty much hid behind me, crowbar prepared. Maloney on the other hand just closed the door, possibly locking himself in the room he was in. Dipper stood up, shaking, but I didn't think much of it, Dipper scared easily and he was just pinned to the ground by a crazy red head.

Then he started laughing. It wasn't his usual laughter or fearful chuckling, it was full-on psychopathic laughing. Casket or Bill style. A wave of fear rushed through me as I remembered that Jimmy is the only other person with a permanent effect from Box thing, and the effect was insanity.

"Dipper?" I said, not knowing how to respond, "are you okay?"

"NOPE! HAHA! NOT ONLY has the WORST day of my life just occurred but THAT GUY," he pointed at Spencer, "pinned me to the ground in a really painful way. that's a no-no, Spency." He said, laughing. He sounded so much like himself... But still not at the same time.

"Are... Are you going to kill us?" I asked, really worried about the smile that sculpted up onto his face.

"Maaaybe Spencer. But not you. Everything's all loopy in here now," he said, pointed at his head. "But I know that I care about you and our Grunkles. Everyone else..." He started laughing again, "does it matter?"

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