4. Get Her Back

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   Party tried to fight against the many arms holding him back while the white haired asshole pulled Atomic away from him. 

But that couldn't be Atomic. It made no sense. She looked too different to be the girl that Party knew. Her hair was a dark red, nothing like the pale blue it used to be. She looked older, and stronger. Despite her tiny figure, she looked nothing like any normal 17 year old.

"Get the fuck off of her!" Party warned one last time as Val brought her away. His heart dropped when she didn't even protest.

"Party, sit down." Dr. D advised, his rusty voice sounded soothing and low.

"No! I need to see Atomic!" I demanded.

"No, you don't."

Cola was standing in the door frame. The red-head noticed that he looked different as well.

"Please tell me what's happening. I just woke up in BLI, that's all I know." Party sunk back down on the bench.

"Seven damn years later." The poet's voice was gruff, and almost angry.

"What?" Party widened his hazel eyes. Cola simply nodded.

"No, but that's impossible. We were just saving Mad Gear and Missile Kid." Party responded weakly.

"You died, Poison. You and the rest of them." One of the medics told him. Party shook his head.

"No, they're still alive. They're in BLI." He informed them.

"Nobody saw anyone else. Are you sure?" The same girl asked.

"Yeah." Party nodded. His throat was awfully dry, and stung a little.

He was beyond confused. How could it have been seven years? One minute, Korse had a gun in his face. The next, he stumbled into a patrol of Killjoys being lead by Val. They all looked terrified at the sight of him. That should have been the first indication.

"Seven years." The former leader tilted his head, his heart weighing him down. Atomic grew up, and so did Mad Gear. He supposed that Missile Kid wouldn't even be recognizable. They all lived perfectly fine without him, and that broke his heart.

"Why am I alive?" He questioned, staring at the bare wall ahead of him.

"We're not sure." A different medic crossed his arms. Party lay down on the bench, the crowd of people slowly winding down until only the old radio host remained.

"It's been a wild ride without you, not gonna lie." Dr. D chuckled.

"How have you guys been holding up?" The once-dead Killjoy asked, rolling his head to face the man in the wheel chair.

"Well, Miss Atomic's been keeping things running smoothly. You should be very proud of her."

Party couldn't help but smile. The girl he had found on the side of the road, lost and confused, was the leader of hundreds of rebels.

"Val's been helping her."

His smile faltered when Dr. D spoke again.

"Is that so?" Party stared up at the ceiling.

"He's been doing a surprisingly good job." Dr. D admitted. Party exhaled loudly through his nose.

"What else have I missed?" 

This time, it was Dr. D's turn to sigh. 

"I don't think that's up to me to explain. You're better off asking one of your old friends."

'Yeah, but I don't think they'd want to talk to me. They're probably horrified.'

"Dr. D?" A voice spoke softly. 

The lean figure of a teenager stood in the doorway where Cola had been just minutes ago. His messy brown hair was highlighted by a single streak of neon green. The boy wore a dusty army jacket, and a green and blue stripped helmet under his arm.

"Come on in, kiddo." Dr. D smiled at the boy, gesturing for him to walk over. The boy obeyed, taking many tentative steps towards the two men. Party recognized the child as a grown up Mad Gear.

"Jesus, you've gotten big." He let out a hollow laugh. Gear returned with a small smile.

"Did they find Fun Ghoul?" He turned to the older man. Party's gut twisted into a tight knot. He knew how much Ghoul had cared for the boy when he was little. They had grown very close.

"Sorry, son. We couldn't find the rest of them." Dr. D patted his arm reassuringly. 

"But we'll find them. They're all back in BLI. We'll go back." Party added quickly.

"Promise?" Gear pleaded, a child-like whine to his voice.

"I swear." Party nodded firmly.

"I'm so happy you came back. We need you here more than ever." The boy confessed.

"Why? What's going on?" The grown man asked, furrowing his brow. Gear glanced at Dr. Death, his eyes suggesting that the veteran would leave the two alone. Dr. D nodded, wheeling away.

"I have a problem with Val Velocity." Gear started.

"A month after you... Died... Atomic and I moved into the Nest. She was completely destroyed, and Val took that to his advantage. Everyone thought that he was being kind to her, comforting her. But I knew what he wanted. When the Killjoys suggested that Atomic should take your position, she immediately appointed Val to second in command. My sister thinks that she's in charge, but Val's been controlling her so he can get everything he wants. Yes, he's been doing a pretty good job of preventing utter chaos, but I'm worried about Atomic. He's been treating her like his own personal toy, and she can't see it. You need to help her."

Party blinked, unable to process everything Gear was saying.

"That doesn't sound like Atomic." He replied.

"I know, that's why you need to fix her. She hasn't been herself in a fucking long time." Gear sighed.

"I don't know what to do." Party groaned in frustration, staring down at his black boots.

"Figure something out, please." Gear begged. Party looked up at the kid in front of him.

"Alright, I'll try."

Sorry this chapter was so short, I'm just really busy at the moment.
But two updates in one day aaaaaye.
I'm a winner.

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