19. Run Away

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The Phoenix Witch was something that although I knew was fake, still brought me comfort. I like to think that a spirit lady brought all of the lost souls home, wherever home was.

Home was also where Mad Gear and Missile Kid were supposed to be an hour ago.

"When they get back, they're so on trash duty." I huffed, plopping myself on the porch steps next to Party.

"Don't worry, they probably just lost track of time." Party reassured me, but I found a hard time believing him.

"It's getting dark out, and I don't like them being out at night." I sighed, resting my cheek on my fist.

"If they're not home in an hour, I'll send Ghoul out to look for them. How 'bout that?" Party suggested. I lifted my heat, staring at him thoughtfully.

"I've had an idea." I exclaimed.

"We should get married and move to Russia?" Party tilted his head, a cocky smile on his face.

"Almost. You should be my second in command." I told him. Party looked at me quizzically.

"Why me? I'm sure someone else can do a much better job." He retorted.

"Not really. Without Val, it's been hard doing things all on my own. I'd really appreciate your help." I explained.

"So, I get to be Val's replacement?" Party furrowed his brow. I rolled my eyes.

"Not like that. You'd do a better job than him. You used to be the boss, after all. Please?" I pleaded, grabbing his hand.

"Fine, but only if Ghoul can be second-second in command." He bargained.

"Fine, he can be second-second in command." I chuckled.

"Oh, can I also have sex with you whenever I want? You know, since I'm taking Velocity's job and all." Party smirked, causing me to shove his shoulder.

"Get a hold of yourself." I scoffed.

"Just once?" He stuck out his bottom lip, using his classic puppy dog eyes.

"Later." I leaned my head on his lap, propping my black combat boots on the railings of the steps. Party stroked my hair softly, observing the setting sun in front of us.

But something else was on the horizon.

Twenty B.L.I cars were speeding down the highway, straight towards the nest.

"Oh no..." Party practically whispered, I lifted my head off of him, narrowing my eyes at the oncoming army.

"What the fuck..."

I snapped myself out of my shock, jumping to attention.

"EVERYBODY OUT NOW! WE'RE ABOUT TO BE AT WAR!" I cupped my hands around my mouth, calling the Killjoys out of their homes. Immediately, the residents of the nest flooded onto the sandy road, guns ready.

Gear and Missile were still nowhere to be seen.

Ghoul hurried out of the house, searching for the same two children that I was hoping to see.

"Where are the kids?" He asked, clearly on edge.

"They're still not home." I responded, still facing the oncoming cars.

"Shit." He hissed, grabbing his black and green firearm.

It only took another minute for sheer pandemonium to break out.


Gear did not expect to see his home turned into a battle zone when he got back. Missile's black cat sprinted towards the girl, hopping into her arms.

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