10. Road to Disaster

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     The former head Scarecrow absolutely despised lobby duty, but it did give him more time with Ethan in the morning. He was the only bright part of Korse's miserable day. 

"Can't you just take a day off for once? I miss you." Ethan complained that morning as Korse was just about to leave his doleful apartment.

"As much as I'd love to, they'll suspect something." Korse responded ruefully. Ethan nodded in consideration, understanding just who they was.

"I don't get it. Why do I have to keep you a secret." The bald man cursed himself. Ethan tilted his head, putting his hands around the soldier's waist.

"You know what will happen if they find out you've been feeling things. They'll take you away, reprogram you or something." The shorter man rested his chin on Korse's shoulder.

"I know, I'm just sick and tired of hiding." He sighed, bowing his head.

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything else we can do." Ethan required sadly, letting go of the man he cared about so deeply. Korse gave him one last weak smile before leaving him behind in the apartment. He marched towards the elevator that would take him down to the patrol car, carrying the weight of every life he had taken over his existence.

Korse lived a miserable life. His mother passed away when he was very young, leaving him with an alcoholic father who didn't care for his son. Korse remembered trying desperately to earn his daddy's praise and attention, but was met by a cold hand across the face. 

"Pappa, I drew this for you." Korse held out a piece of paper in his tiny hands. A crayon drawing of his dad and mom stood in front of a poorly drawn house.

"For the last time, get that shit out of my face!" The older man yelled, causing Korse to jump back in fear.

"What are you, some kind of fag?" He spat at the nine year old. Korse continued to hold the paper tightly in his hands.

He jolted out of his daydream as the elevator came to a shuddering halt. Korse scratched the back of his head as he exited the metal contraption, walking over to where the patrol car waited. He was tasked with the job of picking up dead androids that littered the city's streets. He felt a sick feeling, being forced to load lifeless metal corpses into a truck, only then to drive them to a place where they'd be torn up to be reused, but he probably deserved it.

After all, it's only fair that a murderer should have to face the dead at some point.


     Seeing the once missing Killjoys back in the Nest was one of the most relieving feelings in the world. It came as a complete surprise as well, to me and to Party.

"Oh my god..." I covered my mouth with my hands as I saw the three boys appear from inside Gear's house.

"Look who's all grown up!" Kobra hurried towards me, picking me up as he gave me a bone-crushing embrace.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around the tall man.

"Gear explained everything to us. We're so fucking sorry." Ghoul was next to pull me into his arms, tight enough that I could tell that he was scared to let me go.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I grinned wildly. I felt a bit more complete, having them back.

"Jesus, you look so different." Jet observed me carefully, making sure that I wasn't an impostor.

"Well, seven years does that to you." I laughed. I missed their smiles, and their presence in general.

"Where did you run off to, Party? Couldn't wait any longer for your true love?" Kobra teased his brother, creating a horribly awkward silence.

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