17. A Better Day

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Seeing Atomic and Party back together made Mad Gear fucking happy as hell. Now, he wouldn't have to worry about Val or any of his stupid friends. There was no reason to ever talk to them again, since his sister finally left the greasy dickwad.

"Are they still sleeping?" Jet narrowed his eyes, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Surprisingly. Atomic never sleeps in." Gear commented, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table. Ghoul was sitting on the kitchen counter, his feet dangling over the edge.

"I'm gonna go wake them up." He grunted as he slid his tiny body off of the counter top.

"Don't you dare. They're so much nicer when their sleeping." Kobra warned.

"Too late!" Ghoul snickered, hurrying towards Party's bedroom.

"You're an asshole, Ghoul!" Gear cupped his hands around his mouth. Ghoul didn't respond to the kid back in the kitchen, instead slowly opened the door to his best friends bedroom.

The couple lay closely together, intertwined with each other's arms. Ghoul almost felt bad for what he was about to do, but he shook it off. He cleared his throat, standing at the foot of the bed.


Atomic shot up, her dark red hair strewn across her face.

"DYLAN!" She screeched.

Party jumped to attention, his hands flying around his immediate area in search of his gun. Ghoul was bent over at the other end of the bed, cackling.

"Why you little..." Party growled.

Ghoul was incapable of speaking, as he was too busy laughing his guts out.

"I swear to fucking god I will have your head on a stick." Atomic muttered, lying back down on her pillow.

"Wake up, losers." Ghoul finally regained the ability to talk.

"We told him not to!" Jet informed the two from in the kitchen.

"Did somebody mention decapitation?" Kobra asked.

"Something I'm about to do if this elf doesn't get the hell out of my bedroom." Party growled.

"Oooooh, so threatening." Ghoul rolled his eyes, backing out of the bedroom. Leaving the two to their own business, he traveled back to the kitchen.

"You're such a dick." Gear chuckled, throwing his jacket on.

"Where you off to?" Jet asked the boy.

"Me and Missile are going to Dr. D's for a few hours." He responded, lacing up his boots. Kobra raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"You kids don't have too much fun, if you know what I'm saying." He warned.

"Oh, shut it Kobra." Gear scoffed, swinging the screen door open. He took a deep breath as he walked into the warm atmosphere of the dying earth around him.

"Ah, sweet radioactive oxygen." He sighed, hurrying to go find his friend.


"You don't have to go." Ethan groaned, trying to convince Korse to stay with him just a little bit longer.

"Take the day off and stay here with em. We can run a bath. I can wax your head. C'mon." He offered, an amused smile on his face.

"I can't. I can't do anything to make her suspect you exist... that we exist. I've told you a thousand times before, we have to be careful." Korse responded disappointingly.

"Alright." Ethan exhaled deeply, turning back into the apartment.

"I'll see you later." Korse walked away, his hands in his pockets. He walked to the same old elevator that he used every day, and stepped inside.

But it didn't move.

Korse pressed the lobby button again, then tried to open the doors.


"Love." A sickly familiar voice spoke over the elevator's intercom.

"It makes people do dangerous things, Korse."

The Scaredcrow pounded on the elevator doors, desperately trying to escape.

"It's an emotion better suited to the uncivilized class. There's no room for love in battery city. It leads nowhere good." Ms. Management's voice spoke almost kindly to the terrified man in the tiny grey box.

"I loved something once, and it wasn't until after I lost it that I realized society needed a different way. A better way."

Korse, at this point, was screaming. His voice was hoarse as he tried to pry the doors open. He punched his hand into the buttons, praying that they'd open.

"Did your father love you, Korse?" She asked, slight amusement in her tone.

"Yes, we know about that. In the end, everybody talks. We know some other interesting things too." Ms. Management held the intercom close to her mouth, every word stabbing into Korse's heart.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't keep a close eye on my top gun, especially as he's loosing his edge?" She laughed coldly.

"From exterminating the legendary Killjoys to hiding a relationship from us? We had no choice. It's for the best, Korse."

Finally, the Scarecrow pried the doors open. He sprinted madly back to his apartment, but it was far too late.

Sprawl and Flare had knocked in the secure metal door, and they stood over a bloody heap on the floor.

"MOVE!" Korse yelled, his voice still aching from his screams of anger.

Ethan had been shot in the head. His unmoving body lay sprawled out on the carpeted floor, a pool of blood soaking into his black hair. Korse knelt beside the dead man, cradling his heavy head in his arms.

For the first time in many years, he was crying. Tears fell onto Ethan's face, mixing with his blood.

"She's arranged for you to be taken to the tube. You're gonna be reprogrammed." Sprawl told him. Even the taunting man felt sorry for killing Korse's boyfriend.

"That's all. Have a Better day." Flare gulped, turning on her heels to leave Korse clutching onto Ethan's body for dear life.

"I'm so sorry. I was going to protect you. We were gonna stay together forever. I love you." He sobbed, feeling weaker than ever.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." He repeated, rocking back and fourth on the ground.

This was only the beginning. The death tolls would only keep rising. Korse new that they'd never stop. Any single moving thing that showed one ounce of emotion would be dead soon.

He had to put a stop to it.

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