6. Get The Gang Together

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   "Atomic, you need to come out of there sometime." Toxic knocked rapidly at the door of the studio.

"C'mon, it's been a week. You need fresh air." Psycho added, jiggling the doornob.

"Party's worried sick about you." Ghost told me through the locked door.

"Hell, even Velocity's worried. You haven't talked to him at all." Gear was next to speak up. I sighed, placing the accoustic guitar down on the ground. I unlocked the door, where pretty much all of my friends stood, waiting for me.

"What do you want." I hissed, rubbing my eyes.

"Look at you. You're a mess." Toxic pointed out my shabby appearance. He was right. The day after my first proper encounter with Party, I had locked myself back in my studio. In a fit of rage and heartbreak, I had stripped every photo off of my wall, tearing them into tiny shreads. My hair was all over the place, and my eyes were dark and sunken from lack of sleep.

"I know what will cheer you up." Neon walked into the studio, holding a leather bound notebook.

"What?" I put my hands on my hips, exhaling dramatically.

"We're getting the band back together." Volume smiled, sitting down on the carpeted floor.

"Yeah, we're gonna do some songwriting. Psycho's ready to record." Toxic informed me.

"It's been over ten years. There's no way we can do this band shit again." I scoffed at the three people on my floor. Ghost and Gear were waiting right outside the studio.

"I guess we'll leave you kids to go be productive or whatever." Gear backed away, bringing Ghost along with him. I pursued my lips, staring down at my former bandmates.

"How is this supposed to help me?" I questioned, crossing my legs as I sat down.

"Because, it's a great way to express your deepest feelings and emotions." Neon explained. I plastered a wild grin on my face.

"Oh okay! I have the perfect way to do that!" My voice was far too high as I picked up my accoustic. Strumming a few sour notes, I improvised a song.

"Ooooh, my dead boyfriend just came back and the rest of my friends are still missing and I'm super confused about my feelings for Val and I sort of want to dieeeee."

The Killjoys around me widened their eyes.

"I'm also super fucking hungry." I sang, plucking one final note.

"Well, that's one way to do it." Volume bit her cheek in concern.

"I think we can elaborate on that, but it's a start." Neon commented, opening his notebook to a blank page.

"I don't want to do this. I don't write songs in groups." I mumbled, sounding like a grumpy child.

"It's all part of the band experience." Toxic shrugged, passing his friend a pen.

"Now, tell me about your life right now." Neon smiled at me, pressing the ink to his page.


    To my surprise, we did come up with a song. It took four hours to write it, which was frankly very impressive, and we were ready to record a demo. When we had finished, Neon had excitedly hopped onto the drumkit I had salvaged from a junk pile almost four years ago. He spun the sticks in his hands, feelings them very carefully.

"I'm so ready." He clutched the sticks tightly. Volume put a mic off to the side of the drums to make sure that Psycho could pick them up from the other side. She then went and picked up my white electric guitar. It plugged into the speaker with a satisfying spark. Toxic tuned the bass, and I ajusted the mic to my face.

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