12. Mask or Death

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"Wow. You really let this place go." Party observed, standing in front of the old diner.

"I haven't been here in years." I admited apologetically. He was right, I hadn't been taking care of the place at all. Most of the posters had fallen to the ground, and were caked with dirt. The door was falling at the hinges, and the classic sign had fallen to the ground.

"Eh, it's alright. We can fix it up." Party reassured me, plastering a smile onto his face.

"Are the others mad at me?" I asked, referring to the incident with Val that had happened previously.

"No, they're not mad at you." He responded, shrugging his shoulders.

"I know that they think he's terrible, but they don't know him like I do. He's really not that bad." I explained.

"I understand." Party replied, digging the tip of his boot into the sand. I hopped up on the hood of the Trans AM, my feet dangling off the edge.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Party let out a hollow chuckle.

"I don't think you want to know the answer to that."

I tilted my head.

"Go ahead. Tell me." I urged him on. He spun around to face me, his hands in his pockets.

"You." He told me quietly.

"Oh." I looked down at my feet. After a few seconds, I lifted my head to look at Party. He was standing a few feet away from me, a bit awkwardly. He clearly regretted telling me his thoughts, but felt my heart flutter, just a little.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've been thinking about you too." I smiled. Party's regretful expression dropped, turning into a face of sheer relief.

"Glad to see I've made a lasting impact." He smirked, finding the courage to stop standing so far away from me.

"No shit." I giggled, rolling my eyes at him.

I sat there for another few seconds, not really saying anything. I just looked at him, a stupid smile on my face.

"Let's go." I brought myself out of my daze, jumping off the hood of the car. Party followed me, taking the passenger side of the Trans AM.

As we drove back to the nest, I felt a bit more sure of myself and where I belonged.


I returned to the Nest, a new attitude washing over me as I stepped out of the car. Unfortunately, my good spirits had to be cut short when Vamos and Vaya sprinted up to me.

"Atomic! Our special gal! Our one and only!" Vaya stuck out their arms towards me as if I was a trophy.

"What do you want?" I bit my cheek impatiently.

"We need you to drive us to Electra's shop." Vamos told me.

"How about driving yourself?" I retorted.

"Well, Val's being a whiney bitch again and he's no fun to drive with. Please?" Vaya begged.

"No, sorry. Maybe some other time." I shrugged. Vamos let out a humungous sigh of disappointment.

"I feel betrayed." The taller twin clutched their heart. Moments later, they ran off back towards the center of the nest.

"Val! Val! Our best friend! Our favourite Killjoy!" Vaya cried, continuing the hunt for a ride.

"I'm gonna go find Sugar. She hasn't been leaving her house much, but I think she's just on her period or something." I told Party.

"Uh, I'll stay here if you don't mind." He responded, smiling awkwardly.

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