14. The Other Side

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Missile's return brought a lot of joy to the Nest, but sadly, it had to fade away some time.

Sugar died a week later. She finally reached the end of her lifespan. Her departure left many people heartbroken, but it completely destroyed GoGo.

"I loved her so much." She sniffed, standing over Sugar's still body. I hated looking at it, but I did it for her girlfriend's sake. People always say that you look like you're sleeping when you die, but Sugar didn't die like a normal person. Now, she looked like a shell of what could have been a living, breathing human being. We didn't tell anyone how she actually died. Instead, GoGo and I lied and said that the Flash Fever, a virus that was known to kill residents of the Zone's in extreme cases, got her.

We held a service for her on a Saturday afternoon. Sugar was wildly popular around the Zones, so the Nest was packed. Hundreds of Killjoys turned up to pay their respects. I never liked funeral's, having gone to many before this one, but I had to be there. I had to do it for her.

"I remember when I first met Sugar Bomb..." I started, standing in front of the immense crowd.

"Me and Mad Gear were traveling out of Bat City, completely clueless as to what the future had in store for us. I didn't trust her at first, and I could tell that she didn't like me all that much, but she was still kind. I guess you could say that she was the start of my new life out here in the Zones. She became one of my best friends, and I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for her saving my ass countless times. She really showed me how to live, and I'll never be able to repay her for it."

The service population went silent, as I had expected them to. What I wasn't expecting was for the crowd to start chanting.

"Sugar! Sugar! Sugar..."

The voices of many repeated her name, over and over. GoGo was right in the front, screaming her name to the rhythm of those behind her. It brought a wave of pride in my heart to know that people weren't going to sit there and cry about Sugar Bomb, but celebrate her. Cola walked up to me, holding her black biker helmet.

"Take this to the mailbox a few miles away from Electra's. We can use it to help her transfer to the other side." He instructed. Cola talked about all this superstitious stuff quite a lot, and I didn't really believe him, but I nodded, holding the helmet tightly in my hands.

Slowly, the chanting died down. I let out a shuddering breath, walking over to where my big group of friends stood. Ghost was sitting cross-legged on the ground, clearly very upset. Volume smiled at me reassuringly, and Toxic wrapped his arm around my neck.

"You did good." He told me.

"Yeah, you made Smoke cry. We all know that never happens." Neon joked, bringing a bit of light to the situation. Smoke walked over to me, sniffling his nose.

"Who gave you the right to make me sad?" He smiled, his cheeks red from tears. Ghoul stood up, shaking himself off.

"Well, that was something special." He sighed quietly. I looked down at the signature helmet. Sugar had been wearing it since I first met her. It felt like an eternity ago. Val was sitting all alone, staring off into space as he rested on the steps to the common building.

"I'll be right back." I told my friends. This time, nobody tried to stop me from going to him.

Val didn't even look at me as I sat down next to the man on the stairs.

"Are you okay? You've been acting really distant lately." I asked. Val drummed his fingertips lightly against his cheek.

"I don't know. Honestly, everything's just been really fucking weird." He replied, looking at the scattered groups of people in front of him.

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