11. A Spy

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She was happy to know that by now, everyone had forgotten about Her. It was the middle of the night when She realized that Her closest friends would probably assume that She was long dead. Fortunately, Missile Kid was very much alive, lying on the desert ground in a body bag, a sleeping black cat on her chest.

"Could you be any louder?" The young girl scolded the cat, who's purring was making her head hurt. The cat simply flicked it's black ears in annoyance, proceeding to let out the heavy rumbling noise. Missile scowled, blocking out the sound with the padding of her old helmet that she had yet to grow out of.

The body bag was hot and sweaty, but she couldn't risk being exposed to the nighttime radiation that awaited her on the outside. She lay amongst many other body sacs, each one holding a once breathing human. She had to haul a dead man out of the bag where she currently lay, poor fellow. He was awfully heavy as well. Missile admired his body mass, as that was a crystal clear indication that he was much more well fed than her. She hadn't eaten a morsel of food in two days, but it felt like two years. She just prayed that morning would come soon, so she could find something to satisfy her rumbling stomach that almost overpowered the sounds of the cat. Missile shut her eyes, waiting for sleep to come quickly.

When the sun had begun to rise, she was welcomed by the reassuring sound of Dr. Death's morning radio broadcast, sounding out through an old boombox that the fourteen year old girl carried around with her wherever she went.

"Look alive Sunshine! It's Dr. Death Defying, in your speaker beater, revving up your morning engines."

Missile yawned, zipping open the B.L.I branded body bag.

"Speaking of motor's, feeling a little lime green all in-be-tween? My good pal Tommy Chow Mein whipped us up an absolutely exquisite batch of his classic dupe-goop, for anyone still dealing with flash rash. He's in the lovely Electra's shop, located in the old Paradise Motel.

"Hurry up." Missile told the cat at her feet, stretching out her aching limbs.

"If we want to eat today, we're gonna have to see Chow Mein." She told her furry companion, standing up on the dead grass beneath her feet.

"It looks like out two minutes of morning static is almost up. This slaughter-matic mouth needs to hit the red before I end up DJ'ing for the dead. Here's our very own DJ Psycho, providing you with the snazzy tunes you need to get through another gritty day."

Missile walked away from the body dump, feeling nervous about going to Electra's shop. She feared that somebody would recognize her, but she had that concern every other time she traveled to the old motel. She just learned to put her hood up and keep on the low-down. She just wanted to get the stupid food and leave.


"Hey, handsome." DJ Hot Chimp leaned over the side of Psycho's chair as he sat in the main office of Dr. D's shack.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had work at the other station?" Psycho smiled at his girlfriend, happy to finally see her after a few days.

"I'm not on duty until this afternoon." She explained, flicking a strand of her smooth black hair out of her face.

"Well, sadly, I am. I'll be done in an hour. Meet me in the Nest, okay? I promise I'll be right there." He told the girl, who pouted in disappointment.

"Fine." She grumbled, walking out of the door. Psycho slumped back in his chair, sliding a CD into the player so everyone in the Zones could here the sweet sounds of retro Brit-Pop.

The door of the station slowly creaked open.

"I told you, I'll meet you in the Nest." Psycho reminded whoever was at the door, not even bothering to look at it.

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