15. Uncaged

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       "I'm back!" I called, walking into Val's living room. He was sitting on the couch, the TV quietly broadcasting the news in Battery City.

"Good evening, Battery City. It was another great day out there, but really, when isn't it?"

A news anchor sat at a neatly organized desk, an alarmingly perky smile on his face.

"I need to talk to you about something." Val stood up, standing across the room from me.

"Alright." I shuffled towards him.

Val took a moment of silence before speaking again.

"I'm resigning as deputy." He told me.

"You're- what?" I stepped back, alarmed at this new information.

"You heard me. I'm giving it up." He repeated.

"Why?" I furrowed my brow.

"Because I'm not cut out for the job." He explained.

"Bullshit, you love being second in command." I retorted, putting my hands on my hips.

"No, I love having power. I love being in control, and that's dangerous." Val began to pace slightly, back and fourth.

"That's not a bad thing." I tried to reassure him.

"Yes, it is. It doesn't matter what you tell me, I've ruined you. You haven't become stronger because of me, you did that on your own. You became cold, but I know that's changed now that Party Poison's back." He rushed to explain. I exhaled deeply.

"This isn't about not wanting to be second in command, is it."

Val stopped pacing, standing right in front of me.

"It's about you, Atomic. Whatever we had for the past seven years hasn't been good to you. In the long run, it caused you to grow up too damn fast. You were in charge of hundreds of people by the time you were eighteen, and that's fucking hard for somebody to do. I took advantage of you. I used  you, and look what happened. Now Party's back and I've caught feelings for you. It's not fare, because I know you'll never love me like that. I'm not even mad though. He's so much better for you. He'll keep you safer than I could, and he'll never let you go. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

By the time he finished, he was out of breath. I was completely awestruck. Every single word he said stung, but it was true.


"No, don't."


"You know I'm right."


Before I could let him speak again, I stopped thinking of excused and grabbed onto the collar of his white jacket, pulling his face down to mine. I abruptly kissed him. It was an actual, genuine kiss that I knew meant something, but at the same time, meant nothing at all. When I pulled away, he was startled at my sudden outburst.

"What was that?" He laughed quietly.

"You may be right about a lot of things, and maybe it's best if we go our separate ways, but I do love you. Not in the way that I love Party, but I care about you." I smiled, but it was a sort of sad smile. I don't know why it was sad like that. I guess it was because I finally figured out that I needed to let go.

"So, you do love him?" Val questioned.

"Yes. I love him." I replied, not an ounce of uncertainty in my voice.

"Then go out there and get him." Val pointed to his door. I gave him one last look before sprinting out of his house.

I was on a mission.

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