Its time!?!

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It's been months now and Maya's second baby was due any day now. Lucas and Maya decided they wanted to be surprised what gender the baby is. Maya woke up in the middle of the night. Maya's water broke. "LUCAS WAKE UP! ITS TIME! IF YOU DONT GET UP I SWEAR I WILL STRANGLE THE COWBOY!!!" Maya yelled at him. "IM UP!" Lucas yelled as he fell in the floor. "GOOD! NOW GO GET AMBER READY!" Maya yelled at him. Lucas grabbed the bags and loaded them up in the truck and woke amber up and put her in her car seat ready to be dropped off at pappy Joe's. "OK, Maya. We ready?" Lucas said as he helped her in the truck. "Ready as we'll ever be." Maya said smiling. "NOW GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR!!!" Maya yelled. Lucas and Maya dropped amber off at pappy Joe's and headed to the hospital. "Uh yes, is this the minkus house hold?" Pappy joe asked on the phone. "Yes, pappy joe it is." Farkle said on the phone. "Well, Maya and Lucas just dropped the youngin off with me cause they're heading to the hospital for the second youngin on its
Way." Pappy told him. "YAYYYY!" Riley cheered in the background. "Ok! We'll be on our to Texas as soon as we can!" Farkle told him. "Be careful." Pappy joe told them before getting off the phone. It's been several hours now and Lucas and Maya are at the hospital waiting on the Doctor . "Baby number two !" Lucas said excited. "Yep!" Maya said trying not to panic cause she was in pain. "You'll be ok." Lucas said holding Maya's hand. "I hope so." Maya said worried. "Alright little Lucas and Maya junior let's go." Cletus said picking up Amber and putting her in the car. "Ready?" Cletus asked pappy. "Ready as this old man will ever be." He laughed as he got in. "Let's go !" Cletus said jumping in . "Alright, let's roll out, Amber." Pappy joe said. Lucas is outside in the waiting room pacing the floor. "Lucas my boy, what's wrong?" Pappy joe said as he walked in with Amber. "Dada!" She yelled as she squirmed to get down and go to Lucas. "Amber!" Lucas said swooping her up and cuddling her. Amber kissed Lucas's nose and snuggled into his chest. "Somebody missed there dada." Pappy joe laughed as he sat down. "I've missed you too, baby." Lucas said sitting down with her and cuddling her. "How's everything going in there?" Pappy asked Lucas. "I'm hoping everything is going ok. I haven't checked ." Lucas said worried as Amber played with his keys. "I'm sure they will be." Pappy how reassured him. "Lucey! Has the baby shot out yet?" Cletus said as he come in and sat down. Lucas laughed. "No Cletus." He laughed as he gave Amber her pacifier. Lucas friar we need you in the clinic immediately. Lucas heard them say over the speakers. "I better go see what's going on." Lucas said as he handed sleepy Amber to pappy joe and Cletus.

Hey guys! So I'm sorry about the late updates, but my life has been horrible :(  I try and update when I get the time and things are better. I hope everything is ok with Maya?!?!? Guess we'll find out in the next chapter 😁

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