Naming the baby

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Lucas and Maya were thinking of names for the baby. "Jessica?" Lucas said. "What about hope?" Maya said. "I love the name Hope." Lucas smiled. "She's our Hope." Lucas said holding Maya's hand. "I wonder if anyone called Riley and Farkle?" Maya said. "I'm sure pappy did , and I'm sure they're making their way here."They wouldn't miss coming for anything." Maya smiled. "Mama? Dada?" A small familiar voice said . "Amber!" Maya said as pappy sat her down on the bed with Maya. "I missed you baby"  Maya said kissing ambers head. "Did you call Farkle and Riley?" Lucas asked pappy joe. "Sure did. They're on their way." He smiled. "I knew they wouldn't miss being here." Lucas said. "I can't wait for them to meet Hope." Maya said as played with ambers hair. "Hope?" Amber said. "That's what we named your new sister!" Maya told Amber. "Yay !" Amber cheered.

I'm sorry this is extremely short, but Life wants to destroy me lately.

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