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Riley and farkle come in the door carrying gifts and balloons. Riley practically hops to maya. "Where is the baby?" Riley says hugging maya as farkle sets down the gifts and balloons. "Look over there." Farkle says quietly with a smile. There sat Lucas in the chair with amber asleep on his chest, arms around his neck, and hope asleep in his arms dressed in pink with a pink bow on her head. "oh My Gosh shes so precious maya!" Riley said with her eyes beaming at the sight of their baby. "Another lucaya baby ." Farkle chuckled. "Quit with that name farkle! You've been trying that name since high school." Riley rolled her eyes as she giggled. "So maya how does it feel to have two babies?" Riley questioned her curiously. "I feel like it's gonna be a wild ride to take on." She said as she smiled at the sight of Lucas and their babies. "Lucas and I talked early and we think we're not gonna have anymore unless something changes." She told Riley as she took a bite of hospital jello. "You mean unless Lucas isn't careful and you get pregnant with another lucaya baby." Farkle rephrased to maya. Maya spit out her jello laughing. "Farkle!" Riley scolded. "You're one to talk minkus! How do you think we got lily?" She said to him. Farkle rolling his eyes jokingly. "I would rather not hear how you two got lily." Maya said wiping up jello. "We're gonna wait until Lucas and the babies wake up. We love you maya." Farkle and Riley said leaving the hospital. "Love you guys" maya said as she turned to smile and admire the sight of her family. "I have a family." She thought to herself as she smiled at them.

Yoooo! It's been so long since I've updated. Sorry about that I'll try and update more often now. Let me know what your thoughts were on this, Kisses!

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